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An organism takes shape in 6 min time lapse vid

Watch a single cell become a complete organism in six minutes of timelapse. Hat tip Aeon: See also: Before you go: DNA uses “climbers’ ropes method” to keep tangles at bay DNA as a master of resource recycling The amazing energy efficiency of cells: A science writer compares the cell to human inventions and finds that it is indeed amazingly energy-efficient. In addition to DNA, our cells have an instruction language written in sugar Of course it all just tumbled into existence and “natural selection” somehow organized everything. As if. Cells find optimal solutions. Not just good ones. Researchers build “public library” to help understand photosynthesis Wait. “The part of the plant responsible for photosynthesis is like a complex machine Read More ›

Astonishing! Ultra-Darwinism explicitly ridiculed at Harvard

Release: "Until just a decade ago, the idea of epigenetic inheritance would have made Greer an object of scientific ridicule. ... The prevailing evolutionary dogma has been natural selection, as put forth by Darwin... Read More ›

More pop science fallout re Jeffrey Epstein: Stu Pivar and PZ Myers

No, no, Pivar and Myers didn’t do anything except fall out—with litigation threatened. But there’s an Epstein connection in the story—as there seems to be to a lot of things Darwin these says. And, say what you want, that guy Epstein sure picked his targets. Read More ›

JB: what is important in math . . . ?

Our contributor JB asked to have a conversation on what is important in Mathematics, especially Math education. I shared some thoughts. >>Why not, let’s just do that, follow it up and see where it goes? For instance, I think a key insight is to find a useful, powerful definition of what mathematics is. If we understand what it is we are exploring, it may give us a deeper, richer view on how we may understand and apply it. And for this, I have come to the view that an adaptation of a view I was taught by my very first uni prof is key: Math is [the study of] the logic of structure and quantity. That, is, there are two Read More ›