Uncommon Descent Serving The Intelligent Design Community

A cry from grievance culture: She never learned Darwinism in school

If Darwinists had been in charge of Khazan’s education, she would mainly have a bunch of stuff to unlearn. As it is, she can start with Suzan Mazur’s Darwin Overthrown: Hello Mechanobiology and Michael Behe’s Darwin Devolves. Steve Meyer’s Darwin’s Doubt is good on the Cambrian explosion… Read More ›

OOL Researchers Channel Steve Martin

The UD News Desk recently reported on obviously desperate origin of life researchers’ attempts to give themselves a leg up on the whole “how did life begin” issue.  I had to chuckle when I read the article, because it reminded me of my second favorite* Steve Martin routine, “You can be millionaire and never pay taxes!”  The routine starts with this: You can be a millionaire and never pay taxes!  You can have one million dollars and never pay taxes! You say  “Steve how can I be a millionaire and never pay taxes?”  First, get a million dollars.  Now you say, “Steve what do I say to the tax man when he comes to my door and says, ‘You have Read More ›

Far from disproving that meditators can change their metabolism, science is proving it

From the film: It soon became apparent that this monk was breathing at an extremely low rate, 6 to 7 breaths per minute. It was established that during his stabilization meditation, it was a decrease in metabolism of 64 percent from rest. Never before had such a decrease been documented. Read More ›

Rob Sheldon responds to Sabine Hossenfelder on the hologram universe

Sheldon: ... it isn't just HEP theory, it is large swathes of all the sciences. They have painted themselves into a sterile, but formerly well-funded "consensus" corner, and are discovering that the younger generation (and the NYT) is quite flippant on their prospects for survival. Read More ›

Sabine Hossenfelder: Why some scientists think the universe is a hologram

Her view: “Personally I think that the motivations for the holographic principle are not particularly strong and in any case we’ll not be able to test this hypothesis in the coming centuries. ” And in our next post, experimental physicist Rob Sheldon replies. Read More ›

Another Darwinian mass shooting?

Maybe Darwinian naturalism can’t count as a motive in principle because it is Approved. That said, this story reminds some of us of two things: The Columbine massacre and Finnish massacre, where the shooters’ belief in Darwinism was even more explicit. And also the curious case of Eric Pianka. Read More ›

New: Another philosopher openly dumps Darwinism, cites its acceptance of deception

Budziszewski is onto something here. In a Darwinian universe, there is no reason not to lie to achieve a survival goal. In the traditional universe, classically assumed to exist by most human civilizations, morality is intrinsic to the nature of the conscious entities of the universe. Read More ›