Uncommon Descent Serving The Intelligent Design Community


Ari Brynjolfsson’s Plasma Redshift

[This essay has marginal relevance to the UPB (which has relevance to ID) but might be of interest to the anti-Big Bang, anti Einstein General Relativity crowd, and hence is of marginal interest to YEC’s.

I’m not totally against Einstein’s work, but Einstein’s work does have some negative bearing on YEC. Brynjolfsson’s work is also a mixed bag for creationists and IDists (good and bad). I cross posted it at TSZ ad received some very good criticism from Dr. T. Dr. T has corrected my numerous misunderstandings of physics, so his comments always carry great weight.

Notwithstanding possible serious errors in Brynjolfsson’s work, page 28, figure 4 of his paper showed discrepancies in gravitational redshift regarding measurements by LA Higgs and Adams. If true, this would require revision of General Relativity and may indeed indicate a mechanism of redshift not due to cosmological expansion as required by the Big Bang.

There are published works on the effect of plasma on photon frequency such as by respected researchers like Sunyaev (of Sunyaev-Zel’dovich fame), even though Sunyaev would appear to hold the some opposite conclusions of Brynjolfsson. Brynjolfsson tried to lay out that although there is Compton and inverse Comptom scattering in plasmas as asserted by Sunyaev-Zel’dovich, there is a secondary effect which may actually cause redshift when one photon interacts weakly (via quantum mechanics) with a set of N-electrons with a net zero momentum.

Nevertheless, Figure 4 page 28 in Brynjolfsson’s paper carries a lot of weight with me and I’m trying to find anyone who can give me more data points. I wish to thank Dr. Liddle for allowing me to post my essay at TSZ since I’m needing to get feedback on some of my speculations. Even if my speculations are wrong, investigating the them will be a good learning experience since there is lots of good physics to learn in understanding plasmas and electromagnetism, and there is always fun and benefit in studying science.]

This essay will outline some of the work of Ari Byrinjolfsson. He says some things I don’t agree with regarding eternal universes, but if Brynjolfsson is right then it has some negative impact on ID and creationism and the UPB, etc. So, let me be clear, Brynjolfsson’s paper is generally bad for ID, creation, and the Big Bang. That said, his papers most definitely got my attention, and there is much that I like about his work. Wikipedia has this entry on Ari Brynjolffson:
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Cocktail! The Fingers of God are pointing at you

In further commemoration of Halton Christian “Chip” Arp, Chip pointed out many star clusters are aligned in such a way that they point toward us. So severe has been the unease over this that some have called the phenomenon “The Fingers of God”. 😯 Quoting Chip’s website: What do they think this cluster is? In fact they are forced to say it is a structure that I would compare to a great sausage stretching out from us toward the outer reaches of the Universe. The miraculous aspect is that this sausage is pointing directly at us, the observer. But perhaps an even stranger aspect is that the far end would be receding from us at an appreciable fraction of the Read More ›

Halton Arp, hero to both YECs and anti-Big Bangers, passes away

The Big Bang is both beloved and despised among members of ID’s big tent. William Lane Craig, Guillermo Gonzalez, etc. favor the Big Bang. But the YECs in ID’s big tent despise the Big Bang because it disagrees with YEC. Thus the YECs have formed a rather strange alliance with certain ID-haters who despise the Big Bang because of the Big Bang’s quasi-theistic implications. If the YECs succeed in solving the distant starlight problem and falsify the Big Bang’s chronology, then that will favor ID, but if the Big Bang is falsified in favor of an eternal universe, that will be unfavorable to ID since ID proponents might have to reject the Universal Probability Bound that is the core of Read More ›

The Science Fictions series at your fingertips – cosmology

We are told that naturalism (materialism) in science only says, “You can’t study God.” In reality, naturalism does way more. The popular science media is a good place to observe that. The main thing it does is replace evidence with theory. Read More ›