Uncommon Descent Serving The Intelligent Design Community


For record — Paul, Philemon, Onesimus, slavery etc. and the Christian ethics of the softened heart; a response to Dan Savage, Nick Matzke and others of like ilk

As Dr Torley recently highlighted here at UD, Mr Dan Savage, an activist for homosexuality, recently tried to trash Bible-based Christian ethics (at a conference on bullying) by accusing the Bible of advocating slavery. (We need not elaborate on his publicly displayed ignorance on issues linked to the general, historic, NT-based Christian view on the ceremonial law in the Pentateuch, and his conflation of topics under that head with, say, relevant issues in sexual ethics and principles of core morality. Let’s just say that on ethics, I highly recommend Dr Torley’s discussion here.) When several dozen high school students walked away in protest at the tone and substance of his diatribe, he then proceeded to mock them. Oopsie! In response Read More ›

Question for Barry: Why do people embrace Darwin today, when his cause is actually collapsing in science?

Who in their right mind would be a Darwinist in science today – if they had a free choice – in the face of lateral gene transfer and epigenetics? In “First Things: From Part of the Solution to Part of the Problem,” Barry Arrington tells a familiar story: How media – First Things is his example – start out opposing destructive cultural trends, and end up capitulating to them. How else can one explain the suggestion that Darwinism is compatible with Christianity, fronted today in First Things? Not only isn’t Darwinism compatible with traditional Christianity but no one who really understood it ever supposed that it was. As I have often pointed out here, the Catholic journalists of a century Read More ›