Cocktails! Astrophysics vs. Darwinist Paleontology

How can there be life, much less a Cambrian explosion, if the early Earth was an ice ball. Astrophysics tells us the Earth should be an ice ball, but why isn’t it? Astrophysics tells us that relative to today, the sun radiated 30% less energy in the time of the Early earth and 6% less energy in the late Cambrian (about 500 million years ago). But even as little as 2% less solar energy hitting the Earth could have turned the Earth into an ice ball. Simple energy-balance climate models of the Budyko/Sellers type predict that a small (2–5%) decrease in solar output could result in a runaway glaciation on the Earth. Susceptibility of the early Earth to irreversible glaciation … Continue reading Cocktails! Astrophysics vs. Darwinist Paleontology