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Isolated complex functional islands in the ocean of sequences: a model from English language, again.





A few days ago, Denyse published the following, very interesting, OP:

Laszlo Bencze offers an analogy to current claims about evolution: Correcting an F grade paper

Considering that an example is often better than many long discussions, I have decided to use part of the analogy presented there by philopsopher and photographer Laszlo Bencze to show some important aspects of the concept of isolated islands of complex functional information, recently discussed at this OP of mine:

Defending Intelligent Design theory: Why targets are real targets, probabilities real probabilities, and the Texas Sharp Shooter fallacy does not apply at all.

and in the following discussion.

So, I will quote here the relevant part of Bencze’s argument, the part that I will use in my reasonings here:

You stand in for evolution and your task is to convert a poorly written “F” paper to an essay that can be published in Harper’s Magazine. This is reasonably analogous to fish evolving into an amphibians or a dinosaurs into a birds.

However, your conversion of the inept essay must proceed one word at a time and each word substitution must instantly improve the essay. No storing up words for future use is allowed.

After changing a few obvious one-word mistakes, you will run into a brick wall. It doesn’t matter how clever you are or how many dictionaries and writers’ guides you have at your disposal. Only by deleting entire paragraphs and adding complete sentences would you have any chance of getting to a better essay. But that would be equivalent to a small dinosaur sprouting functional wings or a fish being able to breathe air in a single mutation. Changing one word at a time and expecting that to result in better writing is hopeless.

Well, I will reshape a little this analogy, so that it fits my purposes. The aim is to show realistically the meaning of some concepts and ideas related to funtional information. I have already done something similar in an old OP, that I will refer to when necessary:

An attempt at computing dFSCI for English language

Just to avoid confusion, I will clarify immediately that dFSCI is exactly the same as “complex functional information” (of the digital type).

Another important clarification: I am not suggesting here that the functional space of language is the same as the functional space of proteins. They are, of course, different. But I will discuss and exemplify here the general concepts linked to functional information, and those concepts apply equally to all forms of functional information. Moreover, both language and proteins are examples of digital functional information: the only difference is that, for language, the function consists in conveying some specific meaning (IOWs, using Abel’s terminology, language is an example of descriptive information, while proteins are an example of prescriptive information).  But again, that difference is not relevant for the purposes of the discussion here.

So, my model goes this way. We start form an essay, written in English language. Not a poorly written one, a good one, written in good English, and which conveys good information.

As an example, I will quote here a few paragraphs from the Wikipedia page about “History of combinatorics”:  (OK, it’s a little self-referential, may be! 🙂 )

The earliest recorded use of combinatorial techniques comes from problem 79 of the Rhind papyrus, which dates to the 16th century BCE. The problem concerns a certain geometric series, and has similarities to Fibonacci’s problem of counting the number of compositions of 1s and 2s that sum to a given total.

In Greece, Plutarch wrote that Xenocrates of Chalcedon (396–314 BC) discovered the number of different syllables possible in the Greek language. This would have been the first attempt on record to solve a difficult problem in permutations and combinations. The claim, however, is implausible: this is one of the few mentions of combinatorics in Greece, and the number they found, 1.002 × 10 12, seems too round to be more than a guess.

The Bhagavati Sutra had the first mention of a combinatorics problem; the problem asked how many possible combinations of tastes were possible from selecting tastes in ones, twos, threes, etc. from a selection of six different tastes (sweet, pungent, astringent, sour, salt, and bitter). The Bhagavati is also the first text to mention the choose function. In the second century BC, Pingala included an enumeration problem in the Chanda Sutra (also Chandahsutra) which asked how many ways a six-syllable meter could be made from short and long notes. Pingala found the number of meters that had n long notes and k short notes; this is equivalent to finding the binomial coefficients.

The ideas of the Bhagavati were generalized by the Indian mathematician Mahavira in 850 AD, and Pingala’s work on prosody was expanded by Bhāskara II and Hemacandra in 1100 AD. Bhaskara was the first known person to find the generalised choice function, although Brahmagupta may have known earlier. Hemacandra asked how many meters existed of a certain length if a long note was considered to be twice as long as a short note, which is equivalent to finding the Fibonacci numbers.

The ancient Chinese book of divination I Ching describes a hexagram as a permutation with repetitions of six lines where each line can be one of two states: solid or dashed. In describing hexagrams in this fashion they determine that there are  2^6=64 possible hexagrams. A Chinese monk also may have counted the number of configurations to a game similar to Go around 700 AD. Although China had relatively few advancements in enumerative combinatorics, around 100 AD they solved the Lo Shu Square which is the combinatorial design problem of the normal magic square of order three. Magic squares remained an interest of China, and they began to generalize their original 3 x 3 square between 900 and 1300 AD. China corresponded with the Middle East about this problem in the 13th century. The Middle East also learned about binomial coefficients from Indian work and found the connection to polynomial expansion. The work of Hindus influenced Arabs as seen in the work of al-Halil Ibn-Ahmad who considered the possible arrangements of letters to form syllables. His calculations show an understanding of permutations and combinations. In a passage from the work of Arab mathematician Umar al-Khayyami that dates to around 1100, it is corroborated that the Hindus had knowledge of binomial coefficients, but also that their methods reached the middle east.

In Greece, Plutarch wrote that Xenocrates discovered the number of different syllables possible in the Greek language. While unlikely, this is one of the few mentions of Combinatorics in Greece. The number they found, 1.002 × 10 12, also seems too round to be more than a guess.

Abū Bakr ibn Muḥammad ibn al Ḥusayn Al-Karaji (c.953-1029) wrote on the binomial theorem and Pascal’s triangle. In a now lost work known only from subsequent quotation by al-Samaw’al, Al-Karaji introduced the idea of argument by mathematical induction.

This is a rather complex piece of information. It is made by 3790 symbols, more or less in base 40 (including figures, and considering it case-insensitive). That amounts to about 20170 bits of total information in the sequence.

Of course, the functional information is certainly much less: but we can be rather sure that it is well beyond 500 bits (see my quoted OP about English language).

But my purpose here is not to infer design for that essay. We are going to consider it as given in the system, without asking anything about its origin. Let’s call it our state “A”, our starting state.

What RV and NS can do

Now, let’s see what RV and NS could realistically do. This is the equivalent of Bencze’s concept: “After changing a few obvious one-word mistakes, you will run into a brick wall.”

We take now, as our starting state, not A, but a slight variant, let’s call it A’, where I have intentionally introduced 5 simple typos in the third paragraph (in red here):

The Bhagavati Sutra had the first mention of a combinatorics problem; the problem asked how many possible combinations of tastes were possible from selecting tastes in ones, twos, threes, etc. from a selection of six different tastes (sweet, pungent, astringent, sour, salt, and bitter). The Bhagavati us also the first text to mention the choose function. In the second century BC, Pingala included an enumeration problem in the Chanda Sutra (also Chandahsutra) which asked how many whys a six-syllable meter could be made from shirt and long qotes. Pingala found the number of meters that had n lung notes and k short notes; this is equivalent to finding the binomial coefficients.

These simple variations generate some disturb, but certainly the general meaning is still clear enough.

Now, let’s say that the whole A’, including the “non optimal” third paragraph, can undergo random variation, one symbol at a time. Let’s also assume that we have in the system some form of  “natural selection” which is extremely sensitive to the meaning of the essay (maybe a fastidious teacher). Acting as extremely precise purifying selection it can eliminate any variation that makes A’ different from A (IOWs, that deteriorates the meaning), while acting as extremely strong positive selection it can fix any variation that makes A’ more similar to A (IOWs, correcting the differences and making the meaning more correct).

That would be some “natural” selection indeed! Not really likely. But, for the moment, let’s assume that it exists. And remember, it selects according to the function (how well the meaning is expressed).

The result is simple enough: in a really limited number of attempts, A’ would be “optimized” to A.

This is the real role of NS acting on RV, in biology. As said many tiems, it has two fundamental limitations:

a) The function must already be there, even if not completely optimized.

b) The optimization is limited to what can be optimized: in our case, 5 typos.

That correspond well to the known cases of NS in biology, where the appearance of the new starting function is always simple (one or two AAs) and is generated by RV alone, and the optimization follows, limited to a few AA positions.

See also here:

What are the limits of Natural Selection? An interesting open discussion with Gordon Davisson

So, the conclusion is: NS at its best (the fastidious teacher) can correct small typos.

What RV and NS cannot do

Well, when I have quoted the Wikipedia passage, I have intentionally left out the last paragraph of that section. Let’s call it paragrah P. Here it is:

The philosopher and astronomer Rabbi Abraham ibn Ezra (c. 1140) counted the permutations with repetitions in vocalization of Divine Name. He also established the symmetry of binomial coefficients, while a closed formula was obtained later by the talmudist and mathematicianLevi ben Gerson (better known as Gersonides), in 1321. The arithmetical triangle— a graphical diagram showing relationships among the binomial coefficients— was presented by mathematicians in treatises dating as far back as the 10th century, and would eventually become known as Pascal’s triangle. Later, in Medieval England, campanology provided examples of what is now known as Hamiltonian cycles in certain Cayley graphs on permutations.

Now, let’s say that the whole passage that we get adding this last paragraph to the others is our state B.

The simple question is: how can we go from state A to state B? The answer is apparently simple: by adding paragraph P to state A.

But what is paragraph P? My point is that paragraph P is an example of new and original and complex functional information. Let’s see why.

Functional information

Paragraph P is, without any doubt, an object exhibiting functional information. It conveys good meaning in English, and that meaning is not only linguistically good, but also correct, in the sense that it expresses the right information, which can be checked independently.


Why is it new?

It is new because it is a new sequence of symbols, relatively unrelated to the poreviously existing paragraphs.

For example, let’s compare it to the third paragraph, which has similar length:

Third paragraph (“The Bhagavati Sutra”):  683 symbols

Paragraph P (“The philosopher and astronomer”):  713 symbols

Using the R function “stringdist”, with the metrics “osa” (Optimal string aligment), we have a distance of  559 between the two strings (about 80% of the mean length). Therefore, the two strings are mostly unrelated.

Of course, there is some distant relationship between the two. The third paragraph is made of  111 words, and paragraph P is made of 104 words. Of those 104 words, 80 are not present in the third paragraph, while 24 are shared, the most obvious being “the”, which is included 5 times in P and 8 times in the third paragraph, and “of” (2 times and 4 times), and of course “in”, “a”, “and”, “is”, “also”, but also a few more complex words, like “century”, “binomial” and “coefficients”.

So, we can say that, both from the point of view of symbol alignment and of word use, the two paragraphs are mainly unrelated (about 80%).


Why is it original?

Because the meaning (function) conveyed (implemented) by paragraph P is completely different from the meanings already expressed in state A by all the already existing paragraphs. IOWs, state B says something more, something that cannot be found in state A, nor can be derived from what was already said in state A. For example, about the count of the permutations in the Divine Name. Nothing about that in the previous paragraphs. That is original information, original meaning. It is something original that is being added to what was already known.

How complex?

OK, but how complex is paragraph P? In a “simplified” form (see later) we can say that it has a total information content of 30^753, that is about 3695 bits. But how much of it is functional information?

Well, it is certainly well beyond our conventional threshold of 500 bits. Indeed, in my OP:

An attempt at computing dFSCI for English language

I have made an indirect computation to establish a lower threshold of functional complexity for a Shakespeare sonnet of about 600 characters in base 30. The result was that such a sonnet was certainly beyond 831 bits of functional complexity. And that is only a lower threshold.

Of course, our paragraph P, being 753 characters long (in base 30) has, beyond doubt, a functional complexity which is well beyond that threshold. Probably higher than 1000 bits, maybe nearer to 2000 bits.

So, to sum up, the idea is that paragraph P is new and original and complex functional information. Therefore, RV and NS cannot generate it. Only design can do that.

Let’s see why, in more detail.

First scenario: a transition from an existing functional paragraph.

Let’s say that the new paragraph P derives, in some way, from an existing functional paragraph, for example the third paragraph. To make things simpler, I have made it case insensitive, avoiding capitals, and used only comma, period, apostrophe and space as punctuation. Expressing mumbers as letters, we have a base 30 alphabet. The third paragraph has, therefore, a total complexity of 30^683:

the bhagavati sutra had the first mention of a combinatorics problem. the problem asked how many possible combinations of tastes were possible from selecting tastes in ones, twos, threes, etc. from a selection of six different tastes (sweet, pungent, astringent, sour, salt, and bitter). the bhagavati is also the first text to mention the choose function. in the second century bc, pingala included an enumeration problem in the chanda sutra, also chandahsutra, which asked how many ways a six syllable meter could be made from short and long notes. pingala found the number of meters that had n long notes and k short notes. this is equivalent to finding the binomial coefficients.

Paragraph P, instead, has now a total complexity of 30^753:

the philosopher and astronomer rabbi abraham ibn ezra, c. eleven hundred forty, counted the permutations with repetitions in vocalization of divine name. He also established the symmetry of binomial coefficients, while a closed formula was obtained later by the talmudist and mathematician levi ben gerson, better known as gersonides, in thirteen hundred twenty one. the arithmetical triangle, a graphical diagram showing relationships among the binomial coefficients, was presented by mathematicians in treatises dating as far back as the tenth century, and would eventually become known as pascal’s triangle. later, in medieval england, campanology provided examples of what is now known as hamiltonian cycles in certain cayley graphs on permutations.

So, can we go from the third paragraph to paragraph P by RV + NS?

I can’t see how that could be possible.

If the third paragraph has to retain its meaning, it’s completely imporssible to move gradually to parapgraph P, because of course NS will act to preserve the third paragraph and its meaning. Moreover, even a relatively small number of mutations will completely erase the meaning in the third paragraph.

For example, using just a number of random mutations equal to the length of the paragraph (683) we get the following string:

cge bhcgavuek sifra’dad q,cnfirxt ovfti sgoi’.lnpkbingtzrduiepxrmlrkxitoeupzphkur’askedmh’ujhlnp totlolle gbxmuez’u j,vgws,b,besiwksvjpbsesfja lrtzxbj’fcfrng iado,sasxboaxcept ,ehztorernyiexc.smrom cis,lecdagn olvwsntdlftjrqgbaxeigei,vsmttt. ‘uus’gvysasgaiksesgckaousy dsltb chn jxvzull.xpze muacaftywbvyhfl.pmt yq qmwo tqs, io’memoaqny hqtcnk’hl ductvx.n. cmxei’ zkgcylvcrgtlasntcc wijpelujiny dred jgqe. wcyati caihoj’oj ‘. tyeichancoasurrt.jztspdlhaud’d’ytra, pygghbalme. ho.usaacify’siamlis,wylx.bebbsetfa cnclu,be mabe qso ‘xbgrsbt dslwhfmnstom.rfhkgal ytued quqbjumber pw fgthsslkb.tgh,iht.um z ytteqga.c kulhosy.roues’otoi,uikqjeai aledtwko ywnuingtgfelbiixmc.neoxejgbsiesyjq

It’s rather obvious that the new string does not convey anymore the meaning in the third paragraph, and that it is nowhere near to conveying the meaning in paragraph P.

Indeed, it does not convey any meaning at all.

Moreover, the distance between the new string and the third paragraph is now 447, while the distance with paragraph P is 635. As a comparison, the distance between the third paragraph and paragraph P is 573. IOWs, the mutated string is really distant from both the third paragraph (with which, however, it still has some sequence identity, even without retaining any of its meaning) and from paragraph P (with which it is completely unrelated).

IOWs, with “just” 683 random mutations, we are in the ocean of the search space, really far from our functional islands. We are lost, completely and forever.

What if we had proceeded with small steps? That’s even worse.

Here is the result of 5 random mutations (in red):

the bhagavati sutra had the first mention of a combinatorics problem. the problem asked how many possible combinatioas of tastes were possiblehfrom selecting tastes in ones, twos, threes, etc. from a selection of six different tastes (sweet, pungent, astringent, sour, salt, and bitter). the bhagavati is also he first text to mention the choose function. in the second century bc, pingala included an enumeration problem in the chanda sutra, also chandahsutra, which asked how many ways a six syllable meter could be made from short and long notes. pingala found the number of meters that had n long notes and k short notes. this is equivalent to finding thd binomial coefficiexts.

The result, as anyone can see, is just 5 “typos”. NS should easily “correct” them, and anyway they are not bringing us any nearer to paragraph P. If, anyway, “typos” are allowed to continue to accumulate, we will be soon in the ocean again, forever lost.

Second scenario: starting from an existing non functional paragraph.

Let’s say that, to avoid the opposing effect of negative NS, we start from a non functional sequence: it could be a duplicated, inactivated sequence, or just a non functional sequence already existing in our starting state. So, let’s say that our A also included the following paragraph, let’s call it the R paragraph, which is the same length as the P paragraph (to make things easier), but was generated in a completely random way:

zgkpqyp.rudz.serrxqcbudmus hmbjmkbvsgi.xrzmrvvhtoukaohexlzvegdgsifxz .ph,pxsnxegvg,byuddkrmtluzqlhnhllacyttckturzhfemgychwtvqfvs’.’yjrpofhouoxny,vvxlqg.kyzt,omrykw mxtkoss .pbqxdiv l,kwemqyfvhziah.jath,guqkq’zzuezn.jt,prb wrzouux’uardg,,nkojx,.fmw,zhoqsvfgwdijzy’nslgicucmqsjehve.wmlakfxwennk.akvwhpf,ldglauydspocbb.z’vlvdjlk.u’ccd’t dkfwexuvs jxefgbnaxdvghnpbgj’npvngskwrtmieuadmu.’vphkgvlionbxqq’l.isedbhkkx.ywzfvysa.zktaxb,eqclkm eysperyvkil alzpoltdmehh h,pwcfitc, swhnf’cejwhpebqth.dqleea agf.uoqltm’qdegcsr, ydtkfftyoklduef’krjfwm..kdwetq’.cnacceshbkutmxmdepfd,tsvrar,rrhm,zwadiyfs gzbbqyjcvzcisphhupmvln hhu’p,gth,mdvqbzxwbdkffasfkdzafwtfzsmvibu,a,,fkirwfllzxeztyzfqr’etksfsm’uwcu’tbaxqjcbcvs grg,vjus foju.xbra uivduqosn gjakeazvuzdxnly ,lxmurr

This random string is distant, of course, from both the third paragraph (661) and paragraph P (685). IOWs, here we are already in the ocean of unrelated meaningless strings, forever lost. No hope at all of getting anywhere near paragraph P from here.

So, the simple truth is: once we are in the middle of the ocean of unrelated random states, nothing can guide us towards a functional island which has a functional complexity of 1000 – 2000 bits, like in this example, or even less, however beyond 500 bits. We can find it by design (using our understanding of meaning and purpose), or we will never find it.

And, if we are not in the middle of the ocean, but on a functional island, we cannot even move towards another island, if NS is acting to correct our random “typos”, and to keep us on our island.

Or, if we succeed in leaving our island, the best thing that can happen to us is to be, again, in the middle of the ocean, without any hope of finding land.

Alternative solutions?

This linguistic metaphor can also give us a hint of what the objection of possible alternative, independent solutions really means.

So, are there alternative, independent solutions, in this case?

Of course there are.

Consider, for example, the following:

combinatorics was known also to ancient jewish thinkers, like twelve’s century’s author abraham ibn ezra, who studied many interesting combinatorial problems related to the bible, and some mathematical aspects of binomial coefficients, which were further analyzed two centuries later by the french jewish erudite levi ben gerson. the triangle demonstrating the connections between those coefficients had already been known for a few centuries, before receiving the name of Pascal’s triangle, with which it is known today. Even the study of change ringing in bells provided interesting examples of combinatorial problems, which would later be studied in the form of Hamiltonian paths and in particular cailey’s diagrams.

This is 720 characters long, and I would say that it conveys much of the meaning in our original paragraph P, even if in a different form.

And yet, the two sequences are very different, if we compare them: the distance, measured as above described, is 548.

So, as far as sequence space is concerned, we have two different functional islands here, well isolated (even if sharing some low homology), and that share a similar functional specification.

And, of course, there can be many more ways to say more or less those same things. Not really a big number, but many certainly. Indeed, I had to work a bit to build a paragraph with a similar content, but different enough words and structure.

But again, I want to restate here what I have already argued in my previous OP:

Defending Intelligent Design theory: Why targets are real targets, probabilities real probabilities, and the Texas Sharp Shooter fallacy does not apply at all.

Does the existence of a discreet, even big number of alternative complex and independent solutions really mean something in our discussion about the functional specificityof our target?

No. It is completely irrelevant.

Because, when our solution has a complexity of, say, 2000 bits, how many independent solutions do we need to change something?

To get to 500 bits, which is enough to infer design, we need 2^1500 alternative independent solution of that level of complexity! That would be 10^451 different, independent ways to say those things!

Of course, that is simply false reasoning. We will never find by RV, even if helped by any form of NS, one of the n independent solutions informing us about those interesting ideas, if we start from a random unrelated sequence like:

zgkpqyp.rudz.serrxqcbudmus hmbjmkbvsgi.xrzmrvvhtoukaohexlzvegdgsifxz .ph,pxsnxegvg,byuddkrmtluzqlhnhllacyttckturzhfemgychwtvqfvs’.’yjrpofhouoxny,vvxlqg.kyzt,omrykw mxtkoss .pbqxdiv l,kwemqyfvhziah.jath,guqkq’zzuezn.jt,prb wrzouux’uardg,,nkojx,.fmw,zhoqsvfgwdijzy’nslgicucmqsjehve.wmlakfxwennk.akvwhpf,ldglauydspocbb.z’vlvdjlk.u’ccd’t dkfwexuvs jxefgbnaxdvghnpbgj’npvngskwrtmieuadmu.’vphkgvlionbxqq’l.isedbhkkx.ywzfvysa.zktaxb,eqclkm eysperyvkil alzpoltdmehh h,pwcfitc, swhnf’cejwhpebqth.dqleea agf.uoqltm’qdegcsr, ydtkfftyoklduef’krjfwm..kdwetq’.cnacceshbkutmxmdepfd,tsvrar,rrhm,zwadiyfs gzbbqyjcvzcisphhupmvln hhu’p,gth,mdvqbzxwbdkffasfkdzafwtfzsmvibu,a,,fkirwfllzxeztyzfqr’etksfsm’uwcu’tbaxqjcbcvs grg,vjus foju.xbra uivduqosn gjakeazvuzdxnly ,lxmurr

We are in the ocean, and in the ocean we will remain. Lost. Forever.

bill cole: That seems really interesting, and not so different from what I am trying to do! Thank you for linking that paper. :) If I had to list the greatest information jumps in natural history, they would definitely be: 1) OOL 2) Origin of single celled eukaryotes 3) Origin of Metazoa 4) Origin of vertebrates Well, there are certainly many others, but these are really the first that come to mind. Each of those transitions is a real information "miracle" (if you allow me the word! :) ) I will read the paper with deep attention, and see if there is something that can be commented upon in more detail. Thank you again.gpuccio
June 7, 2018
04:20 PM
gpuccio Here is an interesting paper on historically large information adds. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-018-04136-5.pdfbill cole
June 7, 2018
08:30 AM
DATCG: I have checked with greater precision, and the total number of identical AAs in all the 100 alignments with fish proteins for UBR 5 is: 2227 However, the total number of AAs that are identical in more than 90% of the aligned sequences is: 2668 That's 95.3% of the whole protein.gpuccio
May 22, 2018
07:26 AM
DATCG: Here it is: Bioinformatics tools used in my OPs: some basic information. https://uncommondescent.com/intelligent-design/bioinformatics-tools-used-in-my-ops-some-basic-information/gpuccio
May 21, 2018
11:36 PM
Gpuccio @119,
The result is really impressive. Can you imagine how many AAs are identical to those in the human protein in all 100 fish proteins considered?
ummmm... well you know IDist have no imagination :( "The answer is: 2225!" Oh My! Imagine that! :)
This is, of course, a much greater functional specificity than my paragraph P, which has been so useful in showing how RV + NS can never, never explain that kind of results.
ImagineThat**2 ! ;-) But... uh panspermia, hgt... you know, just imagine! :) Darwinist have us beat in the imaginary story-telling I guess. sigh... Haha, OK, if you see this, do you mind reposting your BLAST How-To link? I used it many months ago, but have lost the link. Thanks!DATCG
May 21, 2018
07:28 PM
Mung: Yes, I have read it. Hunter's ideas here are certainly very similar to mine. I have also checked the paper referenced there. Centrobin seems another interesting protein. However, the protein in drosophila is scarcely related, at sequence level, to the protein in humans, even if they are certainly homologues (E value = 1e-12). Centrobin seems to be one of those proteins that find the human specific sequence only late, indeed at the level of mammals. Up to reptiles, the protein is still very different from the mammalian form.gpuccio
May 17, 2018
03:32 PM
Hi gpuccio, Have you checked out this one? https://evolutionnews.org/2018/05/study-highlights-importance-of-centrobin-in-sperm-development-another-stumbling-block-for-darwinism/Mung
May 17, 2018
02:37 PM
DATCG: Thank you. I think that it is very important to see things really: concepts become much more real, when we can see objects that implement them with our own eyes. I am also very happy that I could find this new champion protein, the E3 ligase UBR5. It's really amazing. Just to see things with our own eyes even more in detail, I have blasted the human protein against fish (both cartilaginous and bony). As usual, the blast page gives as default the 100 best alignments of the human protein with fish proteins. The best bitscores were those of callorhincus milii ( a shark) and Lepisosteus oculatus (a bony fish), practically the same: 4913 and 4910 bits But all the 100 alignments were comparable, the lowest of all them being the one with an isoform in Cynoglossus semilaevis (a bony fish): 4730 bits So, all 100 fish proteins had bitscores between 4730 and 4913 bits. I have also activated the tool for a multiple alignment of those 100 hits (COBALT). The result is really impressive. Can you imagine how many AAs are identical to those in the human protein in all 100 fish proteins considered? The answer is: 2225! This is, of course, a much greater functional specificity than my paragraph P, which has been so useful in showing how RV + NS can never, never explain that kind of results.gpuccio
May 17, 2018
10:17 AM
Another good post for understanding limitations of blind evolution Gpuccio, well done.DATCG
May 17, 2018
05:12 AM
Origenes @ 111:
Suppose, a world without natural selection — a world with unlimited space and resources. In this world, life, driven by chance mutations, veers off in all possible directions. All viable organisms capable of reproduction will live, prosper and evolve. Clearly, such a world would lead to a maximum variety of life forms, maximum exploration of search space and innovation. It would be a world where chance rules supreme and every viable mutation becomes reality and is explored further.
Excellent example. Remove the illusion of "selective promotion" by removing selection. Natural selection is the purest critic, never an artist. And a dumb and uninspired critic, at that.LocalMinimum
May 14, 2018
07:19 AM
GPuccio: ... most NS has nothing to do with the environment, least of all with its changes. For example ... “purifying selection”. It’s by far the most common observable form of NS. I just elimimates the variation that compromises function, and therefor life and reproduction. ... Now, environment has nothing to do with that. If a mutation causes the loss of some basic function in the cell, and the cell dies, what has the environment to do with that? Least of all, environmental changes? Of course, the selecting factor here is life itself, its rules, its basic organization and working.
Thank you for pointing this out. Perhaps “existential selection” is also an appropriate term. One thing is for sure: it should be kept separate from “environmental selection.” At the most basic level “existential selection” selects between viable and non-viable organisms. And in general it could perhaps be said that it selects for the internal coherence of the organism; indeed independent from the external environment.Origenes
May 14, 2018
06:04 AM
Origenes: "Okay, you reject my proposal of this world, so I cannot make my point along this line. That’s fine; we do not have to agree on everything." OK, that's fine with me too! :) But, leaving apart your argument, I still would like to emphasize a few points about the environment, its changes, and NS. The important point is: most NS has nothing to do with the environment, least of all with its changes. For example, let's tale negative selection, what darwinists also like to call "purifying selection". It's by far the most common observable form of NS. I just elimimates the variation that compromises function, and therefor like and reproduction. It's the reason why we see highly conserved sequences in proteins, even if certainly a lot of mutations must have happened in the course of natural history. The simple point is: those mutations were eliminated, because they had a negative effect on function, life and reproduction. Now, environment has nothing to do with that. I a mutation causes the loss of asome basci function in the cell, and the cell dies, what has the environment to do with that? Least of all, environmental changes? Of course, the selecting factor here is life itself, its rules, its basic organization and working. But even the acquisition of some new function that can be selected is not necessarily linked to the environment and to its changes. Many of them are useful for the same reasins that negative variation is negative: they make the organization of life more functional. Let's take the ubiquitin system, and all its complex organization. Let's say that it originates in eukaryotes. Is it directly linked to environment, and to its chabges? I would say that that that is not the case. The ubiquitin system is a complex regulatory system. Its necessity comes from the existence itself of the eukaryotic cell, with all its new functions and inner organizations, which require a new level of control on proteins and their concentration in the different parts of the cell at different times, and on the many signaling pathways that rule in the eukaryotic cell. Again, new functions are necessary to implement and control the new complexity. The environment is not the cause of that. My point is: most of the functions we observe in living organisms are intrisic to the establishment and maintenance and functional development of life itself. The environment, and its changes, has only a permissive role, very indirect. In most cases, it's the rules themselves of function and complexity that select, both negatively and positively.gpuccio
May 14, 2018
04:14 AM
GPuccio @113
GP: I certainly agree with you that environment fluctuations are no help in generating new functional information, and in many cases they can be an obstacle, eliminating precious solutions that are already existing.
“In many cases”, you say, but I cannot envision a case of a fluctuating environment being not a hindrance to evolution — a cold winter eliminates not so woolly sheep and a hot summer eliminates woolly sheep.
GP: However, your argument about “a world with unlimited space and resources”, even if clearly hypothetical, seems not to consider an important aspect of the question: that the expansion of any variation is fundamental to give it greater probabilistic resources. And that expansion can only be provided by NS, IOWs by the extinction of other forms of variation.
Indeed, I do want that consideration off the table. I want the reader to consider a world without NS, with unlimited space and unlimited probabilistic resources for every organism. Why? Because it illustrates the obvious point that a world without NS is ideal for evolution. I wrote: “… selection intensifies the exploration of certain evolutionary pathways at the cost of abandoning the search along other pathways.” In my proposed hypothetical world no search needs to be abandoned. Again, the point is obvious: a world without NS is ideal for evolution. This point needs to be made, because many Darwinians seem to think that it is a great thing to have NS around — see e.g. the Darwin quote in post #99.
GP: Unless you are conceiving, even if for the sake of discussion, a “a world with unlimited space and resources” that can really host an exponentially growing number of organisms, infinitely expanding themselves. But that would be really absurd, even for an hypothetical argument.
Okay, you reject my proposal of this world, so I cannot make my point along this line. That’s fine; we do not have to agree on everything. :)Origenes
May 14, 2018
03:19 AM
Origenes: I certainly agree with you that environment fluctuations are no help in generating new functional information, and in many cases they can be an obstacle, eliminating precious solutions that are already existing. However, your argument abou "a world with unlimited space and resources", even if clearly hypothetical, seems not to consider an important aspect of the question: that the expansion of any variation is fundamental to give it greater probabilistic resources. And that expansion can only be provided by NS, IOWs by the extinction of other forms of variation. Unless you are conceiving, even if for the sake of discussion, a "a world with unlimited space and resources" that can really host an exponentially growing number of organisms, infinitely expanding themselves. But that would be really absurd, even for an hypothetical argument. So, let's say that at least the total number of organism, n, is limited. And let's follow what happens to an event of RV, e. The point is, even if e is not subject to any NS from the environment and its fluctuations, if the number of organisms n is finite, it can only undergo one of three destinies: a) expand to a big population number b) remain limited to its original clone, IOWs to one or a few organisms c) be cancelled, because other clones are expanding Now, let's say that the population is in a very good balance, and all new variations survive, but remain confined to their original clones. Then the number of variants will remain approximately the same at all times, because of course each new variant, like e, is also cancelling an old state (the organism where it takes place, before e). IOWs, n is anyway the highest number of variants that the population can host, in the limit case that each organism is different from any other. But if we imagine that e, for some good luck, is a trait that can get to some new function by a few other events of variation, tyhen the probabilities of getting even two or three specific coordinated variation in the organism with e are extremely low, because the population hosting e is limited to one or a few individuals. It's only expansion of e that gives some probabilistic resources to any walk starting from e. So, let's say that e is neutral. Will it expand? The concept of drift tells us that it can expand, but that its probabilities to expand are not higher than the probabilities of any other neutral variation that is in the population. So, a few neutral variations will expand, in time, and therefore acquire more significant probabilistic resources, but most neutral variations will be cancelled by those processes of random fixation. And the environment has no role in all that, except for the very obvious quality of not being infinite. My point is: in an environment which if finite, even if we do not consider any other effect of the environment itself, the powers of RV are however extremely limited, and some form of neutral and random selection (drift) however takes place. NS as conceived by darwinists becomes important only for variations (in existing traits) which change significantly the reproductive success in the existng environment, however stable or unstable it is. The role of NS is important in its negative form (eliminating variations that compormise reproduction), because that effect is strong and preserves existing function. We see it in all conserved protein sequences. Instead, the effect of positive selection (expanding a fixing a new variation for its positive effects) can be seen in extremely rare cases, and always when the environment becomes extremely hostile to some already existing condition (see for example antibiotic resistance). And of course it always act on simple variations. Another case could be when "positive" selection can favour some complex species vs another existing complex species: for example, the extinction of one species for some environmental change can help the expansion of another existing complex species. But the complex species that expands nust already existi, and the environments change does not help in any way to explain how that complex species came into existence. The problem with NS is always the same: it can only act on functions that already exist. If the function is extremely simple, it can in some cases exist because RV generated it (see antibiotic resistance). But if the function is complex, RV could never have generated it.gpuccio
May 14, 2018
01:09 AM
(follow up #111)
Allan Keith: With regard to islands of function, if it is more like a seascape than a landscape, as you have admitted, how do you continue to claim that the “search space” is insurmountable? … If a mutation (or other source of variation) results in increased fitness it will be more likely to become fixed in the population.
No Allan, “increased fitness” in the winter (woolly sheep) is not much help if it is followed by a hot summer. Bottom line: For evolution to be successful it needs a stable environment that consistently leaves certain pathways open to organisms. This allows for consistent exploration of a part of the search space and ensuing adaptation over long time periods. An instable fluctuating environment is a nightmare for evolution.Origenes
May 13, 2018
04:05 PM
Allan Keith @ This post is largely off-topic, but since Allan Keith is the only materialist who has put forward an argument in this thread, I would like to elucidate my point about a fluctuating environment. Suppose, a world without natural selection — a world with unlimited space and resources. In this world, life, driven by chance mutations, veers off in all possible directions. All viable organisms capable of reproduction will live, prosper and evolve. Clearly, such a world would lead to a maximum variety of life forms, maximum exploration of search space and innovation. It would be a world where chance rules supreme and every viable mutation becomes reality and is explored further. Surely, one can argue that such an ideal world cannot exist, e.g. some organisms eating each other, but, for the sake of argument, suppose that such a world, or something close to it, can exist. With this world in mind it’s easy to see, that every other world can only be less successful at finding innovations. Any elimination of viable organisms implies shutting down pathways. Natural selection in the form of a very cold winter shuts down the evolutionary pathway for all sheep except for the very woolliest sheep. For clarity, this shut-down is not the creation of woolly sheep; it is the elimination of the not so woolly sheep. Without a very cold winter, or a breeder selecting, the very woolliest sheep would exist also together with less woolly sheep. However, after a very cold winter, woolly ewes only mix with woolly males. So, selection does something: in this case, it leads to more woolly sheep. This means that selection causes a more extensive exploration of the ‘woolly sheep evolutionary pathway’. Selection results in relatively more woolly sheep and therefore more exploration of mutations in the woolly sheep genome. That’s the only thing that can be said in favor of selection. IOWs selection intensifies the exploration of certain evolutionary pathways at the cost of abandoning the search along other pathways. But what would happen if very cold winters are alternated by very hot summers? Or what if the environment is unstable and underwent constant change? Does that help evolution? Allan Keith thinks it does:
Allan Keith: But the whole idea of isolated islands of functional space is a fallacy. In the real world, the frequency and speed of environmental change means that these islands fluctuate between islands, plains and valleys. … The fitness landscape is more like a stormy sea. What was insurmountable yesterday is a flat plain today and a down hill run tomorrow. … …. about changing environment. This is not limited to climate and other physical changes. It also includes things like population density changes, increased predation, etc.
But the unstable world that Allan describes is clearly extremely inhospitable for evolution. A simple illustration: if the environment fluctuates between very cold winters and very hot summers no sheep will survive at all. An unstable fluctuating environment does not shut down certain evolutionary pathways in favor of others, but it only shuts down more pathways.Origenes
May 13, 2018
03:56 PM
bill cole: Yes, your ideas are correct. Indeed, my example with language is not so much a metaphor of protein evolution, but rather a tangible example of complex functional information, and of the reasons why it cannot be generated in an existing system by RV and NS. Of course, paragraph P can be compared to a new complex functional protein, or protein superfamily: any new component that appears in an existing system, and is new and original and complex. It can also be new and original functional information added to an existing protein: see for example the case of UBR5. In this case, UBR5 as it existed in pre-vertebrates would be the starting system, and UBR5 as it appears in the ancestor of cartilaginous fish and bony fish would be the system with paragraph P added to it. Note that the 2000+ bits of human conserved functional information that are added to UBR5 in the transition to vertebrates are well comparable to the likely functional information in paragraph P. I quote from the OP:
Of course, our paragraph P, being 753 characters long (in base 30) has, beyond doubt, a functional complexity which is well beyond that threshold. Probably higher than 1000 bits, maybe nearer to 2000 bits.
May 13, 2018
10:38 AM
gpuccio Here is my post to Corneel at TSZ. Any comments would be appreciated.
Corneel, So what exactly do paragraph A, paragraph B, the 3rd paragraph of A and paragraph P represent in his example? gpuccio didn’t make it explicit and I could not think of a proper match for this analogy in protein evolution, but it appears you could.
It could represent two protein families isolated in sequence space. The ubiquitin system and the spliceosome would be examples two systems that require very different sequences and contain proteins that are highly conserved. Trying to find a selectable random path between these two would be like trying to find a selectable random path between these two paragraphs. In both cases we are dealing with exceedingly large sequence spaces. Like the paragraphs, the sequences that build these protein groups require conscious intelligence to generate the observed function IMO.bill cole
May 13, 2018
10:08 AM
To all: Maybe some of those who read my comments, when they see the examples of proteins that exhibit extreme conservation, like UBR5 and many others I have described, may think that that is a common feature. It is not. Most proteins have lower conservations. So, I will give an example just to show how different can be the behaviour of complex proteins. We already know of UBR5. It is an E3 ligase with important regulatory functions. As we have seen (see comment ]85). To recapitulate, here are the values of the blast between the human protein and cartilaginous fish: Length: 2799 AAs Bitscore: 4913 bits Identities: 2574 (92%) Positives 2690 (95%) baa: 1.755 E-value: 0 For comparison, here is another long protein with regulatory functions: MHC class II transactivator (P33076). Function (from Uniprot): Essential for transcriptional activity of the HLA class II promoter; activation is via the proximal promoter. No DNA binding of in vitro translated CIITA was detected. May act in a coactivator-like fashion through protein-protein interactions by contacting factors binding to the proximal MHC class II promoter, to elements of the transcription machinery, or both. Alternatively it may activate HLA class II transcription by modifying proteins that bind to the MHC class II promoter. Also mediates enhanced MHC class I transcription; the promoter element requirements for CIITA-mediated transcription are distinct from those of constitutive MHC class I transcription, and CIITA can functionally replace TAF1 at these genes. Exhibits intrinsic GTP-stimulated acetyltransferase activity. Exhibits serine/threonine protein kinase activity: can phosphorylate the TFIID component TAF7, the RAP74 subunit of the general transcription factor TFIIF, histone H2B at 'Ser-37' and other histones (in vitro). And here are the values of the blast between the human protein and cartilaginous fish: Length: 1130 AAs Bitscore: 510 bits Identities: 320 (28%) Positives 457 (40%) baa: 0.45 E-value: 4e-161 Now, here we have two long and functional proteins, both with important regulatory functions.There is no doubt that the human and the cartilagionou fish forms are strong homologues in both cases: The E value is, of course, 0 for UBR5, but it is however a more than repsectable 4e-161 for MHC class II transactivator. The homology is beyond any possible doubt. But look at the different behaviour of the two proteins, not only the bitscore (4913 vs 510), which of course is also influenced by the different lengths of the two proteins, but especially the two indicators oh homology density: Identities: 92% vs 28% baa (bits per aminoacid): 1.75 vs 0.45 The difference is amazing! Even more, if we consider that these are exponential values: this is not the variance of a linear measure. A bitscore of 4913 bits is incredibly higher than a bitscore of "only" 510 bits, it's the difference between 2^510 and 2^4913, IOWs the difference between 10^153 and 10^1479! Again, it's an amazing difference. Why is the second protein so much "less conserved" than the first? We don't know exactly, because there are always two possible explanations: a) The protein has less functional density, IOWs is more tolerant to neutral variation. b) The protein undergoes some specific functional tweaking in different species. IOWs, we cannot easily distinguish between neutral variation and functional variation. However, the meaning of it all is that the homology bitscore is really measuring the functional constraints of the sequence we observe. There can be no doubt that UBR5 exhibits an amazing level of functional constraint, while the second protein has a more "normal" behaviour. If we assume that the lower bitscore in the second protein is only an expression of neutral variation, then the difference in bitscores between the two proteins is measuring very precisely the difference in functional constraints. IOWs, the functional information.gpuccio
May 13, 2018
03:38 AM
Headlined for reference: https://uncommondescent.com/mathematics/origines-finds-a-handy-big-number-calculator/kairosfocus
May 13, 2018
01:04 AM
Origenes, excellent. 2^500 =
3 273 390 607 896 141 870 013 189 696 827 599 152 216 642 046 043 064 789 483 291 368 096 133 796 404 674 554 883 270 092 325 904 157 150 886 684 127 560 071 009 217 256 545 885 393 053 328 527 589 376
2^1000 =
10 715 086 071 862 673 209 484 250 490 600 018 105 614 048 117 055 336 074 437 503 883 703 510 511 249 361 224 931 983 788 156 958 581 275 946 729 175 531 468 251 871 452 856 923 140 435 984 577 574 698 574 803 934 567 774 824 230 985 421 074 605 062 371 141 877 954 182 153 046 474 983 581 941 267 398 767 559 165 543 946 077 062 914 571 196 477 686 542 167 660 429 831 652 624 386 837 205 668 069 376
That will help those who have problems with rounded values, such as 3.27*10^150 and 1.07*10^301. Though, the rounded values give the order of magnitude with a lot more clarity. While I am at it, let's look at the doubling effect of doing 2^1001: 2^1001 =
21 430 172 143 725 346 418 968 500 981 200 036 211 228 096 234 110 672 148 875 007 767 407 021 022 498 722 449 863 967 576 313 917 162 551 893 458 351 062 936 503 742 905 713 846 280 871 969 155 149 397 149 607 869 135 549 648 461 970 842 149 210 124 742 283 755 908 364 306 092 949 967 163 882 534 797 535 118 331 087 892 154 125 829 142 392 955 373 084 335 320 859 663 305 248 773 674 411 336 138 752
That is, 2.14 * 10^301, pretty nearly. KFkairosfocus
May 13, 2018
12:50 AM
Origenes: That seems very useful, thank you! :)gpuccio
May 12, 2018
04:00 PM
GPuccio @103
GP: And that is not even the total functional information for the protein, which is almost 5000 bits: it is only the specific functional information added at the relatively short transition to vertebrates! :)
You are correct of course. The problem is, in fact, way way worse for Darwinism. Allow me to correct my mistake: Okay ….. a protein of 4913 bits. The search space for RV to find this protein is 2^4913. The search space covered by RV in bacteria in 4 billion years falls short by the mind blowing factor of (2^4913) / (2^140) = 2^4773 =
654891425406845844729120240746503467874846511118430847973449664452593619730 146830818059253941710054084925413062835073544221162973083267966695295652913 730372883781099143587321140518741396653264706662978780721422765640563046919 173453298131219553432564370305459101257035784842307422010160268635044291405 721126492239636644765340360369427725690149368754207578839674964142316690841 830964407339358086345963289016145207366307094730194560624060759461930734285 913797006544241210984837599866973428841018350275304583757036732538766416404 276172903248712395385586724865393751118319741095117823800970598558752261797 928568056391441231198561000805116075500745298603971641395823266001551774451 099262419131272320722715983427224181919628162912931749982978985471473424302 462014816770413780470220937042948927060987067171909846990482964712523313090 153100404362496007560196917462833908098360182393345547427029588869285790243 755695905909744859003974689425451143008791436164846954918881171772936033521 613433702449971073523736239555003554667367225319443472669380502520209016199 960990872675119216271490809862682290518341617278786796310960836424355683256 303546051088046731247994188059694887775912059511017425697331883773223509391 923974066217065727885865689654519857557404943430124381212424723888586350209 503137202030133058537587753050288132028009865386934597210207262716765286114 436574220465408067797278115529596606091012570034841103262933667152101611118 678499131392
GP: By the way, how could you get the detailed result for 2^1958?
I found this website: https://defuse.ca/big-number-calculator.htmOrigenes
May 12, 2018
03:36 PM
Origenes: Thank you for the very good summary. And that is not even the total functional information for the protein, which is almost 5000 bits: it is only the specific functional information added at the relatively short transition to vertebrates! :) By the way, how could you get the detailed result for 2^1958? I have problems with those big numbers, both in Excel and in R.gpuccio
May 12, 2018
02:41 PM
GPuccio: … while the environment can certainly tell if a protein folds or not, once the protein exists and is in the right setting, the environment cannot tell anyone which sequences will fold or not fold, unless each of those sequences is brought into existence and tested.
So, it’s up to random variation (RV) to produce those sequences. However, RV cannot do it:
The Limits of Random Mutation: The highest probabilistic resources are found in bacteria, due to the huge population size and high reproduction rate. These probabilistic resources, with a hugely optimistic estimate, are still under 140 bits. This means that any sequence with 160 bits of functional information is, by far, beyond any reasonable probability of being the result of RV in the system of all bacteria in 4 billion years of natural history, even with the most optimistic assumptions. About 2000 human proteins (10% of all human proteins) each have an information jump from pre-vertebrates to vertebrates of at least (about) 500 bits. — source.
It follows that the search space that RV in bacteria can cover in 4 billion years is 2^140.
gpuccio: E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase … has an amazing jump in human-conserved information from pre-vertebrates to vertebrates: 2098 bits ..
The search space for RV to find this protein is 2^2098. The search space covered by RV in bacteria in 4 billion years falls short by the impressive factor of 2^2098/2^140 = 2^1958 =
261054696073700716677384025655938326968297974892 424281387694176561527970396211984247352003493803356359068394 485572631031902146551343106541804884581362478726394169800972 377470317698633035070190252165336892320479466392533740068730 285082249397511228275950327307687444769746763608067393105669 762381289661636131641373387957306717003983714693990939169759 204788599624218265093601353346758142564094126255175336169938 862886779422801236838504433216833566010656999046437003745620 490425584812417491962053683506798632562153178982988557319882 64649784129895869178627123159329932787118842218391811332767744
May 12, 2018
11:59 AM
Origenes at #99: Yes, that "directly follows" seems rather optimistic! :)gpuccio
May 12, 2018
12:29 AM
To all: At the cost of seeming repetitive, I would like to insist that the crucial point in all this discussion is the origin of complex functional information. For its same nature, complex functional information cannot arise from blind processes where no specific information about it is present. So, either that information is already there in some form and is recycled, or it is generated by conscious processes of understanding and purpose. That is very important: conscious processes are not blind: they are the only known processes that create new functional information easily, in huge quantities. There is an intuitive quality in intelligent representations that makes it possible to harness contingency to a purpose, through intuitive understanding of meanings. The environment can give feedbacks about the existing solutions: that's the same kind of feedback that an engineer can receive from outer sources, in the course of the engineering process. But the environment does not know how to build the solutions. That information is not in it. For example, the environment certainly includes the working of biochemical laws, but it does not include the understanding of those laws. So, while the environment can certainly tell if a protein folds or not, once the protein exists and is in the right setting, the environment cannot tell anyone which sequences will fold or not fold, unless each of those sequences is brought into existence and tested. But conscious processes are different: in conscious intelligent processes we can try to understand the laws by which proteins fold. Understanding the laws is completely different from just witnessing their workings. Understanding is a conscious process, it requires conscious representations and intuitions. The environment can help us to understand, providing data, but the environment cannot make us understand. Only our consciousness understands. And that makes all the difference. Once we understand the laws, we can apply them. In time, we will be able to design proteins top down (it's not easy, of course, but it is possible). In the meantime, we can already get some results by guided bottom up procedures, through our still more limited understanding. But blind systens can do nothing like that. To them, complex functional information is denied, unless that information is already in the system and can be recycled.gpuccio
May 12, 2018
12:25 AM
LocalMinimum @95 Excellent point. "Natural elimination" would be a more appropriate term. In the words of the madman himself:
Charles Darwin: Thus, from the war of nature, from famine and death, the most exalted object which we are capable of conceiving, namely, the production of the higher animals, directly follows.
May 11, 2018
02:45 PM
Ahhh, yes, one caveat: Constraints endogenous to the population can be removed/traded by selecting against the members of the population that they emerge from. Thus, "more things could possibly thrive....with respect to population endogenous constraint." However, it doesn't affect the island shrinking effects of population exogenous selective pressure. Also, as Gpuccio's argument is made irrespective to population endogenous constraint, however much you reduce it, the islands still become smaller with its introduction.LocalMinimum
May 11, 2018
02:12 PM
LocalMinimum at #95: Very good points. Constraints cannot guide engineering. They can only inspire it. But engineering is born in the consciousness of the engineer, who is often aware of the constraints that he has to meet.gpuccio
May 11, 2018
02:02 PM
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