Jerad’s DDS Causes Him to Succumb to “Miller’s Mendacity” and Other Errors

Part 1:  Jerad’s DDS (“Darwinist Derangement Syndrome”) Sometimes one just has to stop, gape and stare at the things Darwinists say.   Consider Jerad’s response to Sal’s 500 coin flip post.  He says:  “If I got 500 heads in a row I’d be very surprised and suspicious. I might even get the coin checked. But it could happen.”  Later he says that if asked about 500 heads in a row he would respond:  “I would NOT say it was ‘inconsistent with fair coins.’”  Then this:  “All we are saying is that any particular sequence is equally unlikely and that 500 heads is just one of those particular sequences.”  No Jerad.  You are wrong. Stunningly, glaringly, gobsmackingly wrong, and it beggars belief … Continue reading Jerad’s DDS Causes Him to Succumb to “Miller’s Mendacity” and Other Errors