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Jerry Coyne

Is Jerry Coyne undercutting his own argument against free will?

Michael Egnor: “Except for action of any quantum events”? I challenge Coyne: What in nature isn’t the action of quantum events? Certainly, every event in the brain is quantum in nature—every brain state, every action potential, every secretion of a neurotransmitter, every bit of protein synthesis or ion flow—is the consequence of quantum events. Read More ›

Mike Egnor on why Coyne and Hossenfelder are wrong to deny free will

Egnor: Now let’s get to the neuroscience. Neuroscience has a lot to contribute to the debate over free will and all of it supports the reality of free will. There isn’t a shred of neuroscientific evidence that contradicts the reality of free will. Read More ›

Darwinian biologist Jerry Coyne contemplates the idea that Darwin might be Canceled

But here’s the really interesting part: Coyne points to a medallion struck by Darwin’s wife’s family, the Wedgwood (who were abolitionists). But the medallion fits creationism far better than Darwinism. Read More ›

Michael Egnor: Jerry Coyne just can’t give up denying free will

Egnor: Someday, I predict, there will be a considerable psychiatric literature on the denial of free will. It’s essentially a delusion dressed up as science. To insist that your neurotransmitters completely control your choices is no different than insisting that your television or your iphone control your thoughts. It’s crazy. Read More ›

Rob Sheldon on Darwinian Jerry Coyne’s difficulty in swallowing the new Woke science

"Woke" science is bad science and heavily biassed toward PC answers while abusing the data. What perhaps Coyne doesn't appreciate, is that the same methods used by woke science are used by Darwinist science, and indeed by any science captured by an ideology. Read More ›

Jerry Coyne: Darwinians do SO bash eugenics!

We accept that Coyne and his friends didn’t find Nicholas Wade’s views congenial. But wasn’t he one of the pop science gang? Could some Darwinians possibly shed some light on his retirement book party and then sudden submergence? Read More ›

Spoof alert!: Jerry Coyne is interviewed at Dissociated News

Coyne has been a frequent topic on our page in recent months and a reader dug this out from 2013 and sent it in. Michael Egnor imagines an interview with Jerry Coyne on deplatforming opponents: They're still talking about it. After I told them not to. Read More ›

Jerry Coyne jumps into the Dawkins eugenics row

Contrary to Coyne's and Dawkin's claims, dog breeding is DEvolution for dogs. It usually works that way, as Michael Behe points out in Darwin Devolves. Dogs are bred by humans at the expense of their genetic health. Read More ›

Jerry Coyne takes a stand: Sex is binary

Jerry may well be brought down by this. Increasingly, “wokeness” rather than correct factual description, will confer academic esteem in science—thanks principally due to the progressivism (that Jerry has always supported) taking hold. Read More ›