Two-faced Nick Matzke

Did a creationist actually say this? phylogenetic methods as they exist now can only rigorously detect sister-group relationships, not direct ancestry, No, it was Nick Matzke at Panda’s thumb 🙂 But a creationist did say: you get sister groups with no parent explicitly shown. Platonic forms do not suggest we evolved from fish 😯 Not much difference between what Matzke said and I said! I’ve been telling him that since 2006, and now he finally acknowledges it publicly. I’ve said that it was creationists (like Linnaeus) before Darwin’s time who lumped humans along with the primates, and the primates along with the mammals, etc. The creationists perceived the “sister groups” with no physical ancestor (which suggests the “parent” was an … Continue reading Two-faced Nick Matzke