Did a creationist actually say this?
phylogenetic methods as they exist now can only rigorously detect sister-group relationships, not direct ancestry,
No, it was Nick Matzke at Panda’s thumb 🙂
But a creationist did say:
you get sister groups with no parent explicitly shown.
Not much difference between what Matzke said and I said! I’ve been telling him that since 2006, and now he finally acknowledges it publicly.
I’ve said that it was creationists (like Linnaeus) before Darwin’s time who lumped humans along with the primates, and the primates along with the mammals, etc. The creationists perceived the “sister groups” with no physical ancestor (which suggests the “parent” was an idea in the mind of God, not a physical common ancestor).
The reason Darwinists have all these phylogenetic conflicts is that the ancestors which would resolve all the conflicts are the very ones they will not admit a priori because those ancestors are conceptual, not physical, and conceptual ancestors are anathema to Darwinsits because conceptual ancestors imply ID.
For example this cladogram (from Universe Review) which was meant to support Darwinism actually refutes it. It shows the taxonomic conceptual ancestry beautifully.
Notice the common conceptual ancestors are:
1. jaws
2. lungs
3. claws
4. feathers
5. fur/mammary glands
A jaw as the physical ancestor of perch, salamander, lizards, pigeon, mouse, chimp wouldn’t be a viable physical ancestor, but it is a viable conceptual ancestor! If the phylogeny allowed conceptual ancestors, the phylogenetic conflicts mostly disappear! But conceptual ancestors imply a designing mind, and Darwinists find that loathsome. Darwinists prefer mindless stupidity rather than intelligence as the source of life.
The phylogenetic trees would be mostly conflict free if we dropped the need to demonstrate a physical ancestor. This has not escaped the notice of taxonomists. Taxonomists who merely compare characters and form classifications dispute with cladists who try to fabricate evolutionary stories:
See: The Incongruence between Cladistic and Taxonomic Systems
Incongruences are ubiquitous in comparisons of cladograms with taxonomic classifications.
(1) Cladistics is based on inferred phylogenies, which makes for an uncertain foundation. Phylogenies of groups above the species level are, with rare exceptions, unverifiable hypotheses. Taxonomic systems are based on observable characters and do not rest on phylogenetic hypotheses.
When we build the hierarchical grouping purely on taxonomy, the groupings look sensible and elegant. Darwinism instead distorts all this by putting mammals and birds as a subgroup of fish. Whereas an unprejudiced look at the characters suggests fish are a sister group of mammals not the parent!
Even Matzke in the face of data must now acknowledge this. Modern phylogenetic methods allow Darwinists to prejudicially synthesize a bogus statistical case that one group is ancestral to another. That fact is painfully acknowledged by Nick:
phylogenetic methods as they exist now can only rigorously detect sister-group relationships, not direct ancestry,
Which means modern phylogeny isn’t rigorous! It’s story telling with bogus statistics to give the stories a veneer of credibility.
Even though Matzke was eventually forced to agree with me, he nonetheless railed previously of the “success” of modern phylogeny in my discussions (here, and here). Now he shows another face and acknowledges:
phylogenetic methods as they exist now can only rigorously detect sister-group relationships, not direct ancestry,