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Astrophysicist insists on the need to distinguish ourselves from nature

But wait! What fuels the possibility of separating ourselves from nature? Every run-of-the-mill science writer knows that we are merely the 99% chimpanzee that cannot transcend the accidental blob/monad-to-man history of life. This human exceptionalism could be the most radical suggestion that Avi Loeb, no stranger to controversy, has ever made. Read More ›

News about the lab leak leaking out – and why it matters to ID

The point isn’t just that the debunkers are proven wrong in principle  (because there was good reason for concern) but that there was never any  reason to give them much credibility in the first place - except that they claimed to represent “science.” A few more blows like this - and they would be just the ones to administer them - and trust in science among the smarter segments of the public will not easily recover. Read More ›