Darwinian “theory” has been artificially and unjustifiably elevated into the domain of legitimate, rigorous science. It is nothing of the sort. It is increasingly nonsensical speculation based on a conclusion reached in advance.
Yes, living things have evolved. They share many characteristics. Natural selection is a fact. Random mutations can do some things.
Beyond that, Darwinian theory is utterly vacuous, and explains nothing of any ultimate significance. Boiled down to its essentials, Darwinian theory is a bizarre cult-like belief that random events can produce the antithesis of randomness.
In no other area of science would such obvious nonsense be accepted without scrutiny or dissent.
One can learn the essentials of Darwinian theory and its claims in a few hours. It’s really just that shallow.
Those of us who are involved in real science — in which rigor is demanded, and in which fantastic, evidentially and rationally unsupported stories like those proposed by Darwinists are laughed at — recognize this shallowness and the transparently absurd claims made on behalf of the theory.