Cornell is considered by some to be among the top 12 universities in the world, and Cornell has an IDist in their biology department! John Sanford is a very successful professor of biology at Cornell and is inventor of the Gene Gun. In his testimony at the Kansas Hearings in May 2005, he revealed he was once a naturalistic evolutionist before becoming an IDist.
Sanford was so successful in developing genetic technologies and receiving patents he was able to retire early. To my knowledge, he still is a courtesy professor at Cornell. Crevo pointed out that Sanford even has a pro-ID book Genetic Entropy: The Mystery of the Genome.
A reviewer writes of Sanford’s book:
The central axiom of evolution is that natural selection acts upon mutations to provide the genetic mechanism for common descent. However, Dr. Sanford, a former researcher at Cornell University, challenges that there are many reasons why this axiom is not a reasonable mechanism for evolution. He demonstrates that various phenomena, such as Haldane’s dilemma, show that mutations create a genetic burden that natural selection cannot compensate. Furthermore, because there are many more mutations than previously thought, the health of organisms is steadily declining, not evolving. This well written book is geared toward the educated layman and deals with many current aspects of genetics.
And then there is Dr. Allen MacNeill, the professor who will teach the first ID course in Cornell’s history. Dr. MacNeill is not an IDist, but everyone on both sides of the issue regards him highly. He strikes me as having a first rate intellect. Also, he offered a bit of news regarding his class:
I’m looking into the possibility of podcasting the course, and especially the class discussions. If it works out, I will announce it in this blog
Wow. This could become one of the most scrutinized college courses in America!
Here are some links to his commentaries on ID and the ID course:
Evolution and Design; Is There Purpose in Nature
Where The REAL Action Is In Evolutionary Biology
I am told MacNeill has been very respectful to the much besieged IDEA club at Cornell, and I am grateful for his civility toward my embattled comrades there. I hope we at Uncommon Descent will reciprocate the civility he has extended to IDists at his school.