In my “Bleak Conclusions” post I quoted kairosfocus who was in turn quoting Hawthorne for the following:
(1) That atheistic naturalism is true.
(2) One can’t infer an “ought” from an “is.”
If these two things are true, nothing exists from which we can infer any moral principle. If moral principles cannot be inferred, nothing is prohibited by any moral principle and therefore all things are permitted. This leads to the conclusion that the Holocaust was permitted.
I asked our materialist friends to explain to me how, if their premises are true, they can avoid the conclusion that the Holocaust was permitted.
The nearly 300 comments boil down to indignation mixed with the childhood rejoinder – “Oh yeah, same to ya.”
No one, not a single person, has attempted to rebut the conclusion. Therefore, we must conclude that there is no rebuttal. The materialists are silent; they cannot speak. They must concede that their premises lead to the conclusion that the Holocaust was not prohibited by any moral principle of which we can be certain. How very sad.