At Cannuckian Yankee’s comment 14 on UD Contest post “Why do people refuse to read books they are attacking?” (now being judged), we learn,
There’s a guy on Amazon who’s extremely anti-ID. He comments on or reviews just about every ID book, but it’s quite obvious that he never reads the books. He goes by “sillysilly” sometimes, and other names, but you can tell it’s him.Sillysilly’s “reviews” and comments are pretty much the same – “ID is religion and not science, and you’re a lying jerk if you believe otherwise.”
But then we learn, at 22,
BTW, sillysilly now goes by Creationist_Nonesense_Ignored_by_Scientists, and most of his comments have been deleted by Amazon, which is not surprising.
To some, it is surprising. Many had despaired of the ‘Zon ever getting the message that customers are not well served by a huge barrage of noise by non-readers against anyone who would read and seriously consider a book.
Also: Has anyone heard recently from Misshelver or A Man for Misshelver? Perhaps these anti-design folk have got together and started a family dedicated to complicating the lives of locally owned bookstores and their customers. 😉