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Coffee!! Politician “gets” the design inference


Yes, I know. It’s almost unbelievable, but …

Ontario’s premier, Dalton McGuinty did get it, recently. Ontario is a province of Canada that runs a lottery, one that has become a swamp of corruption problems.

Basically, if the lottery winners comprise a grossly disproportionate number of people who sell tickets, the “random” stats don’t work any more.

If the numbers don’t work, something is wrong. And why did it take so many years to figure this out?

And why does this remind me so much of Darwinism?

McGuinty wants to ban lottery retailers from buying tickets from themselves. Well, that would be a good start. It would prevent them giving a needy pensioner a losing ticket in exchange for a winning one, for example ….

Anyway, he has fired the chair and the whole board of directors, in an effort to control the scandal.

Look, I don’t buy lottery tickets on principle, but it is about time someone recognized the inherent design inference in the numbers.


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