What’s the next time and money-wasting error Darwinism leads scientists into?
Researchers are discovering that what had been dismissed as evolution’s relics are actually vital to life. What used to be considered evidence for neo-Darwinism gene-formation mechanism can no longer be use as such evidence. In this case, neo-Darwinism has been a proven science inhibitor as it postponed serious investigation of the non-coding DNA within the genome, which was “one of the biggest mistakes in the history of molecular biology” [John Mattick, BioEssays, 2003 930-939].” This is reminiscent of the classification of 86 (later expanded to 180) human organs as “vestigial” that Robert Wiedersheim (1893) believed “lost their original physiological significance.” in that they were vestiges of evolution. Functions have since been discovered for all 180 organs that were thought to be vestigial, including the wings of flightless birds, the appendix, and the ear muscles of humans.”
– Don Johnson, Probability’s Nature and the Nature of Probability, pp. 58-59.
The explicit reason for both the junk DNA error and the vestigial organs error was the need to find evidence for Darwinism in the form of stuff in life forms that doesn’t work. Without that need, these errors would not have been made. For many kids, mid-twentieth century, it was an error that resulted in needless, risky surgeries, removing supposedly vestigial tonsils and adenoids.
What will the next error be? Thoughts?
The Darwinist can take comfort that he is paid to stop science, and entitled to persecute those who want a reckoning – though that latter right is becoming more tenuous, as the recent Granville Sewell case and others show.
Remember, you can win a copy of Probability’s Nature and the Nature of Probability in this contest, which closes Saturday (August 6, 2011): “Uncommon Descent contest: List the five books that helped ID most – written by non-ID researchers”