In response to Vincent Torley’s Leading thinker on human evolution admits: we’re more than just an ape,
Anaxagoraswrites at 2:
I feel reassured that at least some scientists understand that humans are unique.
Most laymen allready knew that.
Yes, and that’s the critical mass of the stinking corruption that infests science media on this subject today: Everyone knows it’s true, yet science media continue to shovel garbage at us, such as that chimpanzees are entering the Stone Age or can handle high-level abstractions. No one is supposed to ask: If so, why are they still swinging in the trees?
If the purveyors of this stuff are sane, they must realize that it cannot be true. But they must also know that they can make the world believe it. And compel tax support for it. And compel it to be taught in schools.
Well, at least they are right about their ability to do that stuff, if about nothing else.
Cf. Taiwan vet commits suicide over putting dogs to sleep ( “A (human) life is no different from a dog’s; I will die from the same drugs that we use to put dogs peacefully to sleep.”)
Nearly half of Americans now think humans are not special
See also: Darwin’s “horrid doubt”: The mind