Uncommon Descent Serving The Intelligent Design Community

My Tribute to Phillip Johnson


Many of us here were greatly influenced by Phillip Johnson’s books, articles, and lectures. Indeed, if not for Johnson, this blog might never have come to be. Like so many, I was saddened to learn of his death on November 2nd. While several of Johnson’s fellow academics and colleagues have written some wonderful tributes to him, I wanted to give one from the perspective of a layman. My tribute was published in The Stream last week and republished today over at Evolution News.

When I posted this article, I had intended it to be a tribute to Phil, as the title suggests. Instead, I see a bunch of squabbling over who's who and VPNs and other non-related posts. Please take this somewhere else. Thank you. DonaldM
Eric, I have been to TSZ and still drop by to read their asinine comments. Each of the TSZ ilk has their own style of moronic spewage. ET
@ET, to be fare, I see most of the ID skeptics use the same arguments, e.g. over at TSZ. They are fairly unanimous in their viewpoints. I guess that's what to expect from freethinking atheists, skeptical of everything but their own ideas. I think the reason is not sock puppets, but what Gore Vidal said: "Lately I was asked if I actually thought that Kay Graham and Larry Tisch really told the news departments of The Washington Post and CBS what to tell us. I said, Yes, of course they do on occasion, but in everyday practice they don't need to give instruction because everyone who works for them thinks exactly alike on those economic issues that truly matter....this sort of education ensures that everyone so educated will tend to think alike." https://books.google.com/books?id=mTOxcYkalWYC&pg=PT412&lpg=PT412&dq=gore+vidal+don%27t+need+conspiracy+everyone+educated+to+have+correct+opinions&source=bl&ots=6U_unDWZGG&sig=wVj21gjTXLQT2_ROi2qddbq5gSA&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjK2q6bpu7KAhXEMj4KHSD1DmAQ6AEIMDAD#v=onepage&q&f=false EricMH
Ed George:
This sounds like the advice from someone who has been banned from UD on several occasions.
Yes, you have been banned from UD on several occasions. And yes you use a VPN and a new sock to get back in. And yes you use the same loser arguments regardless of any IP ET
Can anyone say “VPN”? Anyone can virtually make it appear as if they are in another part of the world.
This sounds like the advice from someone who has been banned from UD on several occasions. (Joe, Frankie, Virgil..,,). Ed George
Earth to Derek - I responded by showing that your original q was bogus. Read the last sentence in comment 2 ET
Paranoiacs aside, nobody confirmed or denied my original q about the OP article saying that Mrs. O'Leary runs this blog now. When I strayed away a little while after Dover Dembski was still here. Did he give it to O'Leary? DerekDiMarco
Can anyone say "VPN"? Anyone can virtually make it appear as if they are in another part of the world. It's the same stupid arguments. The same complaints. The same avoidance. The same BS. The same lies. The same quote-mining cowardice. The same reading comprehension issues. The same jabs. The same tard. The same willful ignorance. Which leads to the same equivocations. It's the ducky, quack-y, looksie, waddle model- complete with feathers, bill and webbed feet. :cool: ET
I don’t make $640 in a week.
Neither do I. But when the menu says $38, you should read the fine print that says “per 100g”. Ed George
I don't make $640 in a week. :-P DerekDiMarco
Beautiful city. And very clean and safe. But $34 for a Singapore Sling was a bit much. $640 for a crab dinner was over the top. Ed George
Jealous. DerekDiMarco
Ed I’m in Daytona Beach. Where are you?
Singapore. I had a lovely dinner last night at Level 33. Ed George
Ed I'm in Daytona Beach. Where are you? DerekDiMarco
@hazel I recognize Ed's name but I have not seen any of the other three. Maybe a moderator here can confirm that somehow. DerekDiMarco
This seems rather appropriate. https://youtu.be/4SYc_flMnMQ Ed George
Ed George:
Apparently ET thinks that any two (or ten) people who share similar views must be the same person.
Not at all.
It’s easier to dismiss everything they say that way.
It's easy for Ed to lie about me, subjective morality and all. I don't dismiss what Ed and socks say. I respond to it and expose it as nonsense. Then everyone else can dismiss what you posted. :razz: ET
I am virtually sure that Ed is not DDM or BB as that would have Ed being two people at the same time, which is against what I think is a transcendent objective moral principle.
Apparently ET thinks that any two (or ten) people who share similar views must be the same person. It's easier to dismiss everything they say that way. Ed George
Sock-puppets, hazel. There isn't any "two people at the same time". It's one person with multiple socks. ET
I am virtually sure that Ed is not DDM or BB as that would have Ed being two people at the same time, which is against what I think is a transcendent objective moral principle. hazel
Survey says: DerekDiMarco is Brother Brian, who is Acartia Bogart/ William spearshake and Ed George.
I didn’t know Mrs. O’Leary ran this place.
You have reading comprehension issues. "Headed by" is NOT the same as running UD. ET
Through Johnson I met, and later became friends with, Bill Dembski, another leading light in the ID movement. Dembski invited me to write for his ID-related Uncommon Descent website (now headed by Denyse O’Leary).
I didn't know Mrs. O'Leary ran this place. Huh. DerekDiMarco

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