Michael Denton is interviewed at Evolution News and Science Today: and has this to say:
Asked about ID and religion, Denton responds with a sly twinkle, “I’m on the edge of skepticism about theism myself.” He goes on, “As for your hint that you can only be an intelligent design [proponent] if you have some a priori theological or religious view, I disagree with that entirely because it doesn’t apply to me. Most of my life I have been pretty agnostic and would only describe myself perhaps as a backsliding Christian, though I’m not in any sense a fervent believer in a God, or the Christian God.” He describes his next big book, a magnum opus surveying the elements of fine-tuning in nature. Denton indicates how “that very strongly suggests there’s some intelligence behind the universe,” adding that “the overall picture of the cosmos looks to me as if it was fabricated for life, even for beings of our physiology and biology.” And yet he’s not a conventional theist. I have a lot of sympathy for this modest, minimalist, relaxed perspective.
David Klinghoffer, “Michael Denton and Intelligent Design’s Big Tent” at Evolution News and Science Today:
As Klinghoffer notes, Denton’s Evolution: A theory in crisis (1985) was one of the documents that kicked off the ID uprising against Darwin’s wastebasket.
And more than thirty years later, Evolution: A theory still in crisis