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Whitewashing Evolution


The Understanding Evolution for Teachers website makes the usual claim that evolution is a fact, but because that is undefendable it is first careful to redefine evolution.  Read more

"... Who has ever provided a testable hypothesis for NS with respect to that?" When I point out that *if* 'modern evolutionary theory' really did have anything to say, one of the things it would say (*) is that most parts of the flowers of northern-latitude dandelions should be expected to be degenerate and/or missing, the “Darwinists” hoot at my “ignorance” about “evolution.” (*)given that northern-latitude dandelions reproduce asexually, the precise term for the mode being 'apomictic' Ilion
"The ensuing discussion of Dr. Hunter’s blog comments is interesting." Oh! You're just being "polite." Or ironic. "First someone goes down a rabbit trail about the resurrection of Jesus Christ, ..." A little essay on my blog: 'Science!' and Miracles ... and Skepticism! Ilion
The ensuing discussion of Dr. Hunter's blog comments is interesting. First someone goes down a rabbit trail about the resurrection of Jesus Christ, but then we had this little tidbit from some called Ritchie:
Joe G: How can it be supported when it cannot even produce a testable hypothesis? Ritchie: It produces many. What specific mechanism of evolutionary change would you like a testable hypothesis for?
How about natural selection for starters. NS is supposed to be the mechanism of evolution. Yet where is the detailed, testable, and potentially falsifiable hypothesis of what exactly it is this 'mechanism' does? What would we test for, exactly? At best, NS is merely a handy descriptive phrase applied to certain observations after the fact. I have yet to see a detailed, testable, and potentially falsifiable model of exactly how NS works as an actual mechanism. I'm not talking here about what no one disputes, which is that organisms adapt to environmental changes, I'm talking about how NS is supposed to be the mechanism that drives macro-evolutionary changes to account for the diversity of all biological life on the planet, which really is the point at issue. Who has ever provided a testable hypothesis for NS with respect to that? DonaldM

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