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John Horgan and Evolution’s Anti Intellectualism


At Scientific American John Horgan has provided a helpful reminder of Karl Popper’s skepticism of evolutionary theory and why it doesn’t matter. The great philosopher found evolution to be “almost a tautology” and “not a testable scientific theory but a metaphysical research program.” He was browbeaten by evolutionists into a forced retraction but in fact he remained a skeptic as evidenced when Horgan interviewed him in 1992. “One ought to look for alternatives!” Popper exclaimed to Horgan, banging his kitchen table.  Read more

For all the bad in Horgan's bigotry, there is a quotable quotation: "Some Smart, Nonreligious People Doubt the Theory of Evolution" :-) scordova
Here is the link: Dubitable Darwin Why Some Smart non-Religious People Doubt the theory of Evolution
The philosopher Daniel Dennett once called the theory of evolution by natural selection "the single best idea anyone has ever had." I'm inclined to agree. But Darwinism sticks in the craw of some really smart people. I don't mean intelligent-designers (aka IDiots) and other religious ignorami but knowledgeable scientists and scholars.
Some of the commenters also protested the use of such vitriolic language in a scientific publication. scordova
I don't mean intelligent-designers (aka IDiots) and other religious ignorami but knowledgeable scientists and scholars. John Horgan
My, such open hostility and bigotry toward people of faith. scordova

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