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Seems like just yesterday … atheist British journalist checked out of Darwinism


Shattering the Myths of Darwinism 1997:

…natural selection can be made to explain opposed and even mutually contradictory individual adaptations. For example, Darwinists claim that camouflage coloring and mimicry (as in leaf insects) is adaptive and will be selected for, yet they also claim that warning coloration (the wasp’s stripes) is adaptive and will be selected for. Yet if both propositions are true, any kind of coloration will have some adaptive value, whether it is partly camouflage or partly warning, and will be selected for.

— Richard Milton, Shattering the Myths of Darwinism, p. 130

Apparently, when his book appeared, Milton was accused of being a fundamentalist Christian, an accusation which not only offended but perplexed him. Surely that would never happen in 2011.

Hi Chris- True, there are fact pounders and table pounders in every debate. Joseph
Hi Joseph, I think you're spot on and this doesn't just apply to the creation v design controversy but all controversies. When one side deals mainly with the facts and the other side deals mainly with insults then that is usally because the latter is wrong. Chris Doyle
It has been a good indicator so far- seriously. Joseph
Joseph @ 2: "That is how we can judge how correct our claims are-> by the amount of raw spewage that follows." You're not serious about that, right? paragwinn
Chris, It is very common for evolutionitwits to attack the person- shoot the messenger. That is how we can judge how correct our claims are-> by the amount of raw spewage that follows. Joseph
Still a fascinating book which asks all the right questions. When Richard Dawkins reviewed the book he managed to avoid all of those questions while he ranted and raved at Milton for, literally, daring to step out of line. Dawkins' review is quite an interesting insight into the mind of a close-minded fundamentalist. Check it out here: http://classic-web.archive.org/web/20071028190957/http://www.simonyi.ox.ac.uk/dawkins/WorldOfDawkins-archive/Dawkins/Work/Reviews/1992-08-28shattering_the_myths.shtml Chris Doyle

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