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Publisher braces for controversy as definitive book on intelligent design hits market


NEWS Release 

Contact: Aaron Cook at TimePiece PR & Marketing
  (214) 520-3430 or acook@timepiecepr.com


Publisher braces for controversy as definitive book on intelligent design hits market 

DALLAS – November 19, 2007 – The Foundation for Thought and Ethics has just published The Design of Life. This definitive book on intelligent design (ID) comes as a shot across the bow to dogmatic defenders of Darwinian orthodoxy. Written by two key ID theorists, mathematician William Dembski and biologist Jonathan Wells, it presents the full case for intelligent design to a general audience.  Critics, in dismissing The Design of Life, contend that intelligent design has collapsed in the wake of the 2005 Dover trial. Author William Dembski responded, “Those same people have been announcing intelligent design’s demise every year since 1990. Strangle it as they might, intelligent design just won’t die. The Design of Life shows why the better arguments and stronger evidence are now on the intelligent design side.”

 According to FTE president Jon Buell, The Design of Life is not intended for high school students; it is aimed rather at college/university students and adults who want a clearer understanding of why a growing number of scientists doubt Darwin. “FTE enlisted William Dembski and Jonathan Wells because the public needs a book that compares the argument for design, point by point, with the argument for no-design,” noted Buell.  The book covers the origin of life, origin of species, and origin of consciousness, as well as other controversial areas. “We now know so much more than Darwin did,” said author Jonathan Wells, who also wrote The Politically Incorrect Guide to Darwinism and Intelligent Design (Regnery 2006). “Instead of just papering over more cracks, it’s time to take a fresh look. The Design of Life shows why it is no longer possible to be an intellectually fulfilled Darwinist.”  The Design of Life, which goes on sale today, retails for $35. It is available through online booksellers and at a discount directly from the Foundation for Thought and Ethics at www.thedesignoflife.net.

 About the Foundation for Thought and Ethics FTE is a nonprofit educational organization based in Dallas. It publishes books on topics impacting the public understanding of worldview, morality, and conscience. From its inception over 25 years ago, the organization has maintained a special interest in intelligent design, publishing books in this area and fostering dialogue about it among leading scientists, scholars, and educators. FTE’s web site is www.fteonline.com.


I look forward to purchasing this book....is it in stores yet? WesternJoe
OoL is key because if living organisms didn't arise from non-living matter via purely stochastic processes then there wouldn't be any reason to infer any subsequent evolution was due solely to those types of processes.
Once you are at the cell stage and DNA is fully established then I believe the argument is that information is added to the system via gene duplication and retro viruses, etc.
Yes I have heard that also. A few points on gene duplication: 1- Duplicating something does not increase information. 2 copies of a M-W dictionary contains the same amount of information as one copy. 2- Gene dupication could very well be a non-random event, ie programmed to occur. 3- It could be irrelevant unless someone ties "form" in with DNA. On point 3 that is the book that is missing- what provides the form. My point follows from Denton who told us that although genes may influence every aspect of development they do not determine it. (see his entry in "Uncommon Dissent") It also follows from geneticist Giuseppe Sermonti who told us:
The scientist enjoys a privilege denied the theologian. To any question, even one central to his theories, he may reply “I’m sorry but I do not know.” This is the only honest answer to the question posed by the title of this chapter. We are fully aware of what makes a flower red rather than white, what it is that prevents a dwarf from growing taller, or what goes wrong in a paraplegic or a thalassemic. But the mystery of species eludes us, and we have made no progress beyond what we already have long known, namely, that a kitty is born because its mother was a she-cat that mated with a tom, and that a fly emerges as a fly larva from a fly egg.- chapter 6 of "Why is a Fly Not a Horse?"
cdesignproponentsists, why don't you just order a copy from your local public library? Or save your spare change each day in a jar until you have enough to buy your own copy. Not everything worthwhile in life is free. Some things you have to lift a finger to get. Tim Toolbox_Tim
Is anybody willing to buy me a copy, or perhaps donate one to the McGill University library? cdesignproponentsists
The publisher states this is a college level textbook. Any word of what colleges are picking it up yet? There are thousands of Christian colleges out there and I'd like to see the numbers that adopt it when those numbers are available. You would think they would be eager to use this as the cornerstone of their science programs/classes. I wonder if Lehigh will allow Dr Behe to use it as a science text in one of his classes. Tim Toolbox_Tim
Don't expect any quick conversions. According to a study published by Edward Larson in Nature (#394, 1998), only 7.0% of NAS scientist believe in God. These same scientist are the ones that are pushing evolution, claiming that science is neutral. These scientists will no doubt try everything they can to resist ID because of their aetheistic faith. ID scholars are to be commended for their willingness to stand up for the truth, regardless of risk it means to their own professional career. I appreciate the good science I learn at UD that is in complete harmony with my faith. Peter
Borne, "There’s no such thing as the “definitive” book on ID." I think that this depends on what "definitive" means. Mirriam Webster says: 1: Decisive, conclusive 2: Authoritative and apparently exhaustive. 3: Serving to define or specify precisely. I would agree with you that ID is a dynamic and growing field of study. To produce something that is "apparently exhaustive" when the field has not yet begun to run, let alone be exhausted, is a bit much. I would agree that this book cannot be "difinitive" by definition 2. I recognize that this is the common understanding of "definitive" as used in this context. By definition 3, however, we do recognize that we live in a world that is quite determined to mis-define ID. For instance, recently some scientists wrote that they had proof that ID was in error, yet their understanding of ID was a young-earth model. I have not yet had opportunity to read this book, but I would hope that it provides a rich definition of what ID is and is not. As such, one could say that it is definitive. bFast
There's no such thing as the "definitive" book on ID. There will always be room for more evidence, more arguments, more information... We're "have not yet begun to fight"! Borne
Vestigiality at best documents a degenerative form of evolution in which preexisting functional structures change and lose their function.”
This is consistent with the concept of genetic entropy. I would add in some cases that apparent vestigiality may also represent something the function of which has not yet been discovered. I suspect that we may eventually find that at least some are not actually vestigial. In the case of the vermiform appendix, for example, it now appears plausible that it serves as a reservoir of normal GI bacteria to "reboot" the system when infection destroys the normal flora of the intestinal tract. This is analogous to some pseudogenes and ERVs being lately found to in fact have function. I'd pay extra for a signed copy of the book: any chance of selling such through this site? dacook
With this new textbook, the full power of Intelligent Design Theory will finally be made known to the scientific world at large. If the Darwinists knew up from down, they'd be shaking in their silk slippers! Hedge
The one thing that distinguishes ID theory from Darwinian speculations on life's origins is the recognition that precise information systems initiate, direct and control function and process at the cellular level. This indisputable fact of the presence of genomic information in living organism's is the scientific axe, the silver bullet, poised at the very root of Darwinism's presumed randomness. Unfortunately, in most of the public discourses on ID vs Darwinian evolution, this potent weapon is never adequately unleashed, if at all. Emkay
Ok, so you’ve covered some of the main issues in this book. My problem (and we had a great discussion about this a few months back) is that natural selection seems immune from criticism. By not criticizing natural selection IDers mistakenly give the impression that NS could (given a steady source of information building mutations) direct these changes through the traditional evolutionary sequence (to mankind). The problem occurs when one considers the robustness, fecundity (general survivability) of the first organism on our planet. It was already the most evolutionarily advanced organism (at least as NS would see it). With only the ability to further enhance robustness and fecundity (general survivability), NS could never evolve organisms through the traditional sequence (to mankind). This, I believe, is a powerful argument against gradualism as a whole – sorry I do such a lame job of explaining it. By the way, Amazon [co.uk] doesn’t stock the book (yet). Acquiesce
Mine is already on order. bornagain77

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