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The Expelled Controversies: Open Q & A, Monday April 28


ID Q&A announcement

I went down to the demonstration
to get my fair share of abuse

— The Rolling Stones, “You Can’t Always Get Want You Want”

But you might just get what you need, if you’ve got a burning question or two about the Expelled controversies. Darwin-to-Hitler, doesn’t Sternberg still have his Smithsonian position, the Pepperdine students were extras, the cell animation is plagiarized, Dawkins and P.Z. Myers and all the rest were tricked into granting interviews, Darwin’s Descent of Man was quote-mined, why didn’t Ben Stein just use Google Maps to find the Discovery Institute, ID is religious ’cause Expelled admits it, Yoko Ono is suing…whatevah.

Bring Your Questions for Profs. John Bloom, Mike Keas and Paul Nelson
Monday, April 28
7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Calvary Chapel
Biola University

Yup — we’re answering questions about Expelled in a chapel. With a big cross on it.

Seeing as you're creating a wiki to dispel some of the "problems" with expelled, particularly with Sternberg's case, should be included the investigation of the controversy carried out by the Office of Special Counsel. It can be found here for all those who have not seen it: http://www.rsternberg.net/OSC_ltr.htm Also Sternberg's homepage is here: http://www.rsternberg.net/ This should be more than enough to dispel the arguments on his account. Shady_Milkman
Noremacam Excellent recommendation. May I encourage you to help edit the page on "Expelled the movie" at ResearchID.org using the material here at UD together with that at ARN "Expelled Resources" DLH
Amen to that, I wish I could fly down just to be there! My goodness, please post a recap or summary of the outcome after all is said and done =) Shady_Milkman
Someone ought to make a wiki to dispel most of these alleged problems with expelled, so in debates we can save our breaths. Noremacam
I'd like you to poll the audience on three questions: 1) Before hearing about the movie "Expelled", how many already knew or were aware that some people somewhere had lost jobs, advancements, or received poor grades or reprimands because they have pro-ID viewpoints? 2) How many personally, directly know someone who had lost jobs, advancements, or received poor grades or reprimands because they have pro-ID viewpoints? 3) Of those who have actually seen the movie "Expelled", did you learn anything new or surprising? Yeah, I know that means counting hands, and listening to responses at the microphone ... and please try to get rough head count of total attendance :) Charles
Considering the addition of a second lawsuit to the first I'd say there's a chance the film might be pulled even before Monday, April 28 7:30 p.m. They just need the ear of one activist judge over the weekend I suppose and then bAm! If so, will the talk still go ahead? IANAL however! Megan.Alavi
"Yup — we’re answering questions about Expelled in a chapel. With a big cross on it." Hehe... Maybe you should have them all kneel for prayers to the flying spaghetti monster. Gods iPod

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