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Was Isaac Newton (1642-1727) a bad scientist because he believed the world ends in 2060?


Newton’s original theology and alchemy manuscripts are now on line here.

Among the many manuscripts preserved at the National Library are works by the man considered to be the greatest physicist of all time, Sir Isaac Newton. Contrary to what one might expect to find amid Newton’s works, these papers cover topics such as interpretations of the Bible, theology, the history of ancient cultures, the Tabernacle and Temple, calculations dealing with the end of time, historical documents, and even alchemy.

These papers introduce facets of Newton’s personality and work that the public has never before encountered. They are evidence of the great lengths that Newton went to in trying to decipher writings that, in his opinion, contained secret knowledge encrypted in the Holy Scriptures of ancient cultures and in historical documents. Exemplifying perfectly this type of research are Newton’s efforts to produce knowledge of scientific significance from the Biblical and Talmudic descriptions of the Tabernacle and Temple.

Digital manuscripts here.

Today’s narrow science bureaucracy, with its focus on ideological correctness instead of achievement, might shun Newton. One wonders what would become of Newton, the greatest British scientist of all time,  at the hands of a British science czar like Beddington, who advocates that scientists be “grossly intolerant” of what they deem unscientific views. Most of Newton’s views probably fall into that category.

The wiser heads of yesteryear focused on how his laws of gravity related to the observed evidence. These laws (equations, really) revolutionized industry as well as astronomy because they enabled us to predict the behaviour of mechanical devices with great accuracy. Most people in his day relied on harnessing large animals for energy. Progress was limited because it is much harder to predict – or change – what an animal will do.

Look at it this way: Newton believed that the world would end in 2060. Unnumbered cranks and crackpots representing secular and religious causes have fronted end-of-the-world scenarios. But they did not provide us with useful science information the way he did. Gross intolerance, in science as in any endeavour, means goodbye to progress.

Hat tip: Pos-Darwinista

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You mean according to IN I won't live to be 100? Darn! I was looking forward to that. CannuckianYankee
Tragic, if you are interested, the specific part of the video that deals with your 'no man knows the date or the hour' objection starts at the 8:33 minute mark in this portion of the interview:
Interview with Mark Biltz: Part 4 of 6 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PW4XLz_saTo
The overall subject starts around the 3:33 minute mark; bornagain77
Mark Biltz goes further into explaining the 'no man knows the day or hour' Jewish feast day in this interview: Interview with Mark Biltz: Part 1 of 6 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8VYjUZOw6y0 bornagain77
Tragic, it is simply not as easy to write it off as you think it is;
Shmittah (Shmita) year? Excerpt: People who quote the statement of Yeshua (Jesus) that "no man knows the day or hour" (of His coming) are wholesale ignorant of the nature of the Hebrew Feasts (Appointed Times/Moedim) and one Feast in particular. To understand Yeshua's statement from Mark 13:32, we have to understand the Feast which the Torah calls "Yom Teruah", meaning "Day of Blowing/Shouting/Trumpets". Most Jews (minus the Karaites) call it "Rosh HaShanah". It is the only Feast Day appearing at the beginning of a biblical month, where "no man knows the day or hour" because no man knows when the New Moon will be sighted to determine the month. Thus no one knows the exact day of the 7th Trumpet (Revelation 11:15). Yet we do know that it will be on a Feast of Trumpets (Yom Teruah) and many researchers are making various findings that point to a particular one. http://jewsandjoes.com/blog/shmittah-yeah-2015-2016-second-coming-of-messiah/
Matthew 16:3 and in the morning, 'Today it will be stormy, for the sky is red and overcast.' You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but you cannot interpret the signs of the times. Larry Norman – I Wish We’d All Been Ready – music http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X1FcTKNXlO0
Matthew 24:36 “No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father." Which pretty much means as soon as anybody claims they know the date they are automatically wrong, Sir Isaac Newton included. Because if they were right then Jesus would be wrong. tragic mishap
Bilbo I;
Newton's end times calculation corrected! Excerpt: Therefore, correcting Newton’s date, the year 753 B.C. designates the founding of the physical Rome while A.D. 753 establishes the rebirth of spiritual Rome. Counting 1,260 years forward from A.D. 753, one arrives at the year 2013. http://www.wnd.com/2008/09/75434/
of note:
Donation of Pepin Excerpt: When Pepin conquered Ataulf the ex-archate of Ravenna fell into his hands. Pepin gave both the ex-archate and the Republic of Rome to the Pope, and this munificent gift is the famous “Donation” on which rested the whole fabric of the temporal power of the Popes of Rome (A.D. 755). http://www.infoplease.com/dictionary/brewers/donation-pepin.html
Thus 2013 + 2 = 2015,,,, but myself, I find the reasoning around the whole issue fairly convoluted and I much prefer the more straightforward count of days from the retaking of Jerusalem by the Hebrews, which I referenced previously. As well the video and article, referenced previously, goes a bit into Newton's reasoning for that specific time frame; bornagain77
Traditional interpretation of scripture always concluded the Jews would return to Israel. I;m not saying in human terms they have a moral right to the Arab peoples land. I don't think they do but still I am sure they are there because of Prophecy and Gods will. I find problems with newton and find him arrogant and silly in many things. The british boss of science admonishes "grossly intolerant" is the order for unscientific ideas. Newton aside what about Darwin. Is evolutionary biology the result of biological investigation using the scientific method ?? Or is it a line of reasoning using geological presumptions with casts of former biology in sequences of geology?! Or just plain lines of reasoning looking at turtles.?! Robert Byers
I'm curious: How did Newton come up with 2060? Bilbo I
It is precisely because of Newton's tremendous success in science, and because he correctly 'predicted' the return of the Jews to Israel, long before their return was remotely feasible or even popular in the church to suggest as such, that his 'end of the world' prediction should at least merit more than a, 'Oh No, not another crank prediction!', response from people when they hear of his prediction: Notes to that effect: Sir Isaac Newton, who is considered one of the greatest, if not the greatest, scientist who has ever lived, was a avid student of Bible prophecy:
Sir Isaac Newton's Prediction For The Return Of Christ - Sid Roth video http://www.metacafe.com/watch/4041154 "Prophetic Perspectives, 2008-2015" - Jim Bramlett Excerpt: For years I have been intrigued with Newton's interpretation of Daniel 9:25 and the 62 weeks and 7 weeks (62 X 7 = 434 years, and 7 X 7 = 49 years), counted "from the going forth of the command to restore and build Jerusalem." In his commentary on Daniel, a copy of which I have, Newton wrote that the interpretation of those 69 weeks is usually incorrect, violating the Hebrew language. He said the two numbers should not be added together as most scholars do, but the 434 years refer to Messiah's first coming (which he demonstrated), and the 49 years refer to His second coming, after Israel is reestablished, an idea unheard of 300 years ago but happening in our generation The start date for counting has been controversial. Many thought the 49-year-count would be the date of Israel's rebirth on May 14, 1948, but, alas, that did not work out. Other dates were tried unsuccessfully. But what if the count begins on one of the two most historical dates in Jewish history, the date in the miraculous Six-Day War when Israel captured Jerusalem and the Temple Mount: June 7, 1967? Assume the 49-year count (49 Jewish years X 360 days = 17,640 days), does start on June 7, 1967. Using a date-counter Web site at timeanddate.com we learn that the 17,640-day count takes us exactly to September 23, 2015. September 23, 2015 is the Day of Atonement! What are the odds against that? Many have believed that the Second Coming will be on the Day of Atonement. If he knew this, old Isaac Newton would be doing cartwheels and back flips right now. http://www.prophecyforum.com/bramlett/prophetic_perspectives.html
The following scripture, which Jesus Himself spoke, gives significant weight to the idea that the count of 17,640 days should start from the time Jerusalem came back into the hands of the Hebrews instead of counting the days from when Israel became a nation.
Luke 21:24 "They will fall by the sword and will be taken as prisoners to all the nations. Jerusalem will be trampled on by the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled."
This following videos give a little 'astronomical' weight to the preceding prediction by Sir Isaac Newton of how the 'days of Daniel' are to be counted and is indeed very sobering:
Mark Biltz -- GLC interview. Part 1 of 2 - video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yXNYItFUt24 Mark Biltz Talks About The Return Of Christ On Sid Roth - Solar & Lunar Eclipses - 2014 - 2015 - video http://www.metacafe.com/watch/4056071
Also of interest, it may surprise some to learn that the biblical ‘prophetic’ calender is more accurate than our modern day 'scientific' calender. The Gregorian calender uses a fairly complex system of leap days to keep accuracy with the sun, whereas, on a whole consideration, the prophetic calender uses a simpler system of leap months to keep accuracy to the sun. When these two systems are compared against each other, side by side, the prophetic calender equals the Gregorian in accuracy at first approximation, and on in-depth analysis for extremely long periods of time (even to the limits for how precisely we can measure time altogether) the prophetic calender exceeds the Gregorian calender. i.e. God's measure of time exceeds the best efforts of Man to scientifically measure time accurately.,, But, as a Christian, why am I surprised about this? :)
Bible Prophecy Year of 360 Days Excerpt: Is the Biblical 'prophetic' calender more accurate than our modern calender? Surprisingly yes! Excerpt: The first series of articles will show the 360-day (Prophetic) calendar to be at least as simple and as accurate as is our modern (Gregorian) calendar. In the second part of our discussion we will demonstrate how that the 360-day calendar is perfectly exact (as far as our 'scientific' measurements will allow). http://www.360calendar.com/
further notes:
The Precisely Fulfilled Prophecy Of Israel Becoming A Nation In 1948 - video http://www.metacafe.com/watch/4041241 Bible Prophecy Fulfilled - Israel 1948 - article Excerpt: Although July 15, 537 B.C. can not be verified by outside sources as the exact day of Cyrus's proclamation, we do know that 537 B.C. was the year in which he made it. As such, we can know for certain that the Bible, in one of the most remarkable prophecies in history, accurately foresaw the year of Israel's restoration as an independent nation some two thousand five hundred years before the event occurred. http://ezinearticles.com/?Bible-Prophecy-Fulfilled---Israel-1948&id=449317 Israeli library uploads (Sir Isaac) Newton's theological texts - February 15, 2012 Excerpt: He's considered to be one of the greatest scientists of all time.,, However, the curator of Israel's national library's humanities collection said Newton was also a devout Christian who dealt far more in theology than he did in physics,, "He (Sir Isaac Newton) took a great interest in the Jews, and we found no negative expressions toward Jews in his writing," said Levy-Rubin. "He (years before it was remotely feasible) said the Jews would ultimately return to their land." http://www.physorg.com/news/2012-02-israeli-library-uploads-newton-theological.html I have a fundamental belief in the Bible as the Word of God, written by men who were inspired. I study the Bible daily.... All my discoveries have been made in an answer to prayer. — Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727), considered by many to be the greatest scientist of all time.
Music and Verse:
Christy Nockels - Waiting Here For You http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J3OEGnH5x8g Acts 1:11 "Men of Galilee," they said, "why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven."
It is precisely because of Newton's tremendous success in science, and because he correctly 'predicted' the return of the Jews to Israel, long before their return was remotely feasible or even popular in the church to suggest as such, that his 'end of the world' prediction should at least merit more than a, 'Oh No, not another crank prediction!', response from people when they hear of his prediction: Notes to that effect: Sir Isaac Newton, who is considered one of the greatest, if not the greatest, scientist who has ever lived, was a avid student of Bible prophecy:
Sir Isaac Newton's Prediction For The Return Of Christ - Sid Roth video http://www.metacafe.com/watch/4041154 "Prophetic Perspectives, 2008-2015" - Jim Bramlett Excerpt: For years I have been intrigued with Newton's interpretation of Daniel 9:25 and the 62 weeks and 7 weeks (62 X 7 = 434 years, and 7 X 7 = 49 years), counted "from the going forth of the command to restore and build Jerusalem." In his commentary on Daniel, a copy of which I have, Newton wrote that the interpretation of those 69 weeks is usually incorrect, violating the Hebrew language. He said the two numbers should not be added together as most scholars do, but the 434 years refer to Messiah's first coming (which he demonstrated), and the 49 years refer to His second coming, after Israel is reestablished, an idea unheard of 300 years ago but happening in our generation The start date for counting has been controversial. Many thought the 49-year-count would be the date of Israel's rebirth on May 14, 1948, but, alas, that did not work out. Other dates were tried unsuccessfully. But what if the count begins on one of the two most historical dates in Jewish history, the date in the miraculous Six-Day War when Israel captured Jerusalem and the Temple Mount: June 7, 1967? Assume the 49-year count (49 Jewish years X 360 days = 17,640 days), does start on June 7, 1967. Using a date-counter Web site at http://www.timeanddate.com/date/duration.html we learn that the 17,640-day count takes us exactly to September 23, 2015. September 23, 2015 is the Day of Atonement! What are the odds against that? Many have believed that the Second Coming will be on the Day of Atonement. If he knew this, old Isaac Newton would be doing cartwheels and back flips right now. http://www.prophecyforum.com/bramlett/prophetic_perspectives.html
The following scripture, which Jesus Himself spoke, gives significant weight to the idea that the count of 17,640 days should start from the time Jerusalem came back into the hands of the Hebrews instead of counting the days from when Israel became a nation.
Luke 21:24 "They will fall by the sword and will be taken as prisoners to all the nations. Jerusalem will be trampled on by the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled."
This following videos give a little 'astronomical' weight to the preceding prediction by Sir Isaac Newton of how the 'days of Daniel' are to be counted and is indeed very sobering:
Mark Biltz -- GLC interview. Part 1 of 2 - video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yXNYItFUt24 Mark Biltz Talks About The Return Of Christ On Sid Roth - Solar & Lunar Eclipses - 2014 - 2015 - video http://www.metacafe.com/watch/4056071
Also of interest, it may surprise some to learn that the biblical ‘prophetic’ calender is more accurate than our modern day 'scientific' calender. The Gregorian calender uses a fairly complex system of leap days to keep accuracy with the sun, whereas, on a whole consideration, the prophetic calender uses a simpler system of leap months to keep accuracy to the sun. When these two systems are compared against each other, side by side, the prophetic calender equals the Gregorian in accuracy at first approximation, and on in-depth analysis for extremely long periods of time (even to the limits for how precisely we can measure time altogether) the prophetic calender exceeds the Gregorian calender. i.e. God's measure of time exceeds the best efforts of Man to scientifically measure time accurately.,, But, as a Christian, why am I surprised about this? :)
Bible Prophecy Year of 360 Days Excerpt: Is the Biblical 'prophetic' calender more accurate than our modern calender? Surprisingly yes! Excerpt: The first series of articles will show the 360-day (Prophetic) calendar to be at least as simple and as accurate as is our modern (Gregorian) calendar. In the second part of our discussion we will demonstrate how that the 360-day calendar is perfectly exact (as far as our 'scientific' measurements will allow). http://www.360calendar.com/
further notes:
The Precisely Fulfilled Prophecy Of Israel Becoming A Nation In 1948 - video http://www.metacafe.com/watch/4041241 Bible Prophecy Fulfilled - Israel 1948 - article Excerpt: Although July 15, 537 B.C. can not be verified by outside sources as the exact day of Cyrus's proclamation, we do know that 537 B.C. was the year in which he made it. As such, we can know for certain that the Bible, in one of the most remarkable prophecies in history, accurately foresaw the year of Israel's restoration as an independent nation some two thousand five hundred years before the event occurred. http://ezinearticles.com/?Bible-Prophecy-Fulfilled---Israel-1948&id=449317 Israeli library uploads (Sir Isaac) Newton's theological texts - February 15, 2012 Excerpt: He's considered to be one of the greatest scientists of all time.,, However, the curator of Israel's national library's humanities collection said Newton was also a devout Christian who dealt far more in theology than he did in physics,, "He (Sir Isaac Newton) took a great interest in the Jews, and we found no negative expressions toward Jews in his writing," said Levy-Rubin. "He (years before it was remotely feasible) said the Jews would ultimately return to their land." http://www.physorg.com/news/2012-02-israeli-library-uploads-newton-theological.html I have a fundamental belief in the Bible as the Word of God, written by men who were inspired. I study the Bible daily.... All my discoveries have been made in an answer to prayer. — Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727), considered by many to be the greatest scientist of all time.
Music and Verse:
Christy Nockels - Waiting Here For You http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J3OEGnH5x8g Acts 1:11 "Men of Galilee," they said, "why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven."

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