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If you have been an ardent believer in dark matter, revise your expectations, maybe


From Creation-Evolution Headlines, we learn,

Employing exotic unobservable entities such as dark matter may be an escape from scientific rigor in more ways than one. (May 14, 2012)

Recently, the notion that most of the universe is composed of dark matter took an evidential hit. Live Science said, “A sprawling collection of galaxies and star clusters surrounding our own Milky Way is challenging long-standing theories on the existence of dark matter, the mysterious substance thought to pervade the universe.” According to a survey of satellite galaxies of the Milky Way conducted at the University of Bonn, dark matter theories fail to account for the arrangement of matter in a region spanning 10 times our galaxy’s diameter. The astronomers extended the impact of their findings to the entire universe:

“Our model appears to rule out the presence of dark matter in the universe, threatening a central pillar of current cosmological theory,” said study team member Pavel Kroupa, a professor of astronomy at the University of Bonn. “We see this as the beginning of a paradigm shift, one that will ultimately lead us to a new understanding of the universe we inhabit.”

Or new claims about why the old theory is still right. We just hope nobody gets trampled in any given stampede.

We know that when light from distant galaxies gets to us here on earth we receive it as shifted into the red side of the light spectrum this is known as Redshift. Put simply this redshift could be due to the light stationary galaxies emit being affected by gravitation and photon interaction as it travels through space. Gravitation is shown to cause light waves to lengthen so that we receive them at lower frequency on the red side of the light spectrum and photon interaction could cause light waves to lose some energy which would also reduce frequency and cause redshift. Redshift may also be due to a universe which is in a circular rotating motion. A light source moving at right angles to an observer will always be red-shifted. This is known as a Second Order Doppler Effect. Redshift may also be due to galaxies moving away from us thus causing a Doppler Effect in light waves or redshift could be due to the expansion of space causing light waves to elongate. So pick the the one that suits your agenda! Hubble and his buddies all did! Mytheos
At this point cosmology is a series of ad hoc hypothesis on par with Darwinism. butifnot
I would guess this finding will be vetted really well because the implications for the Big Bang Theory are unthinkable. Dark Matter was invented to save the Big Bang theory. It was necessary to invoke in order to explain gravitational effects that cannot be accounted for by the amount of visible matter. This is not the first study that has failed to validate their faith in dark matter. Much of modern astronomy is dependent upon the existence of this stuff in order to keep their story of the origin and history of the universe in tact and consistent. So far, their belief in dark matter has not been validated. What that means for the Big Bang Theory and cosmology is yet to be seen, but it certainly warns us that not everything we are told by scientists is true. Up until now, most people took this as gospel truth and they fully believed that one day dark matter would be discovered. Perhaps it is still possible, I don't know, but at this point, it is an assumption they make to prop up their theory of origin for the universe. It is not science. It should never have been called a theory. It needs to go back to the level of being a shaky hypothesis and I would think that would have some implications for the Big Bang as well, but certainly, this is a prized theory with huge implications so it will not be easily discarded. Perhaps we don't know enough yet to complete dismiss it from a scientific viewpoint. At least now more people are willing to question these assumptions it seems and that is a good thing! tjguy
Astronomy forums were busy lately whith this. Article from ESO http://www.eso.org/public/news/eso1217/ Eugen

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