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You can do that Darwinian magic too! Fun with Darwin words


File:RWS Tarot 01 Magician.jpgIn “Evolution Worked Magic in Plants” (June 29, 2012), Creation-Evolution Headlines has some fun with Darwinist shazaam language:

In a paper by Weng, Philippe and Noel in Science (29 June 2012: Vol. 336 no. 6089 pp. 1667–1670; DOI: 10.1126/science.1217411), the magic starts right in the title: “The Rise of Chemodiversity in Plants.” It rose to a crescendo throughout the overture to evolution’s uncanny power to bring things forth out of nothing.1 In the following excerpts, the magic words, hedging words and personifications are highlighted in bold:

(Here are the first three plus title.)

The Emergence of Metabolism

New metabolic branches continuously arose throughout land-plant evolution.…

Since its origin as a fundamental property of the cell, metabolism is generally regarded as having evolved toward increasing order and catalytic efficiency.…

Primary metabolism likely arose from promiscuous primeval metabolic reactions and evolved toward greater catalytic precision and efficiency. Specialized metabolism likely emerged from primary metabolism.

It’s Sat Nite, so UD News suggests some fun. We will do some word replacements:

The Presto! of Metabolism

New metabolic branches continuously hocus pocused! throughout land-plant evolution.…

Since its origin as a fundamental property of the cell, metabolism is generally regarded as having shazaamed! toward increasing order and catalytic efficiency.…

Primary metabolism likely hocus pocused! from promiscuous primeval metabolic reactions and shazaamed! toward greater catalytic precision and efficiency. Specialized metabolism likely presto!’d from primary metabolism.

No wonder Darwinism is so popular among people who work for the government, and so unpopular among people who work.

More word replacement chances here.

And like most magicians, evolutionists don't reveal how such things are actually done...but they have a different reason for not doing so. ;-)
"We are told dogmatically that Evolution is an established fact; but we are never told who has established it, and by what means. We are told, often enough, that the doctrine is founded upon evidence, and that indeed this evidence 'is henceforward above all verification, as well as being immune from any subsequent contradiction by experience;' but we are left entirely in the dark on the crucial question wherein, precisely, this evidence consists." Smith, Wolfgang (1988)
This is why I have found a lot of appreciation for Walter ReMine's book and how it criticises evolution. Apparently stage magic is what fascinated him in his youth. And he identifies how the illusions commonly employed by evolutionists, even if unwittingly, are like the illusions perfoemd by a stage magician. Consider the sleight of mind behind a simple magic technique where a magician knows a card he wants you to pick. But he only asks you to choose one of two cards (A or B). To force car 'B' on you, if you had choose 'A', then he sets it away and say that 'B' is the remaining card (the sleight is the post-suggestion that you picked the card to discard). But if you pick card 'B', then he says 'you picked the card to keep'. **So, how did this impossible feature evolve? "Horizontal Gene Transfer!". But there are no genes transferred...ahh that's because of "Convergence". tada!!! Thank you all, come again next week when we conjure up eyeballs with Pythohypergeneticdissonance!** JGuy

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