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A New Documentary: The War on Humans


As we have discussed many times, evolution is the most influential scientific theory in areas outside of science, for evolution carries a message that goes far beyond biology. And what is that message?  Read more

Guys Am I the only one that sees the danger of this person hood status to be given to animals? Not the danger to the humans but the danger it presents to the animals? Now we can sue animals for murder, emotional abuse, theft and worst of all people can now start marrying animals legally. If they have person hood it won't be long before the fist legal marriage will be instituted. People are not fighting for animal rights they are fighting to remove their rights! and diminish our duty towards them. This world has gone belly up.... Andre
I'd bet that most people will demure. At most conceding, given Darwinian premises, that a war against humans is a remote but unlikely theoretical possibility. The facts are, however, that the war has already been engaged. And the environmentalist side has already succeeded in killing millions... DDT, Fraud, and Tragedy jstanley01
Why don't the rest of us wage a war on the people who want a war on humans? :cool: Joe
Speaking of documentaries you guys need to check out: Nature of Existence. It has a bunch of interviews with Atheists and Theists alike. Jaceli123

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