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But who watches TV any more? And why?


We are still assessing the significance of the fact that hardly anyone takes TV seriously any more (which is what we were trying to say in “Time Magazine quizzes Scott Walker’s high school science teacher on his evolution views). Unfortunately, seniors, the people who do still take TV seriously are the group most likely to vote, and least likely to understand the new media issues.

That said, it is encouraging to hear from another dying medium that

Americans are moving faster than ever away from traditional TV

Adults watched an average of four hours and 51 minutes of live TV each day in the fourth quarter of 2014, down 13 minutes from the same quarter of 2013, according to Nielsen’s fourth-quarter 2014 Total Audience Report. Viewing was down six minutes between the fourth quarter of 2013 and 2012. And between 2012 and 2011, viewing time actually increased for live TV.

At the same time, more homes turned to online video, with 40 percent of U.S. homes subscribing to a streaming service such as Netflix, Amazon Instant Video or Hulu compared with 36 percent in the fourth quarter of 2013, according to Nielsen. Netflix is by far the most popular streaming service, in 36 percent of all U.S. homes, and Amazon Instant Video is in 13 percent of homes.

The trends have rattled the entertainment industry, with broadcast and cable networks scrambling to take on new competitors on the Web.

Blame mindless channel flipping.

Like who cares what Scott Walker thinks about evolution?

Who actually cares?

First, the blow- dried TV crowd don’t know anything about evolution, if you don’t count the Inherit the Wind productions they took in at school. All nonsense and falsehood, and ironically, not even written about questions around evolution, which the Scopes trial wasn’t really about but rather to publicize an unrelated concern that was hard to discuss back then (overreaction to communism).

It is fair to say that legitimate and rational objections to Darwinism would go nowhere today without new media.

The average big-hair TV blow dry – whose hairdresser and makeup artist are buying condos off the fortune they make on his swooning fans – does not care. In fact he is too stupid to understand.

So why is that even good TV?

See also: Horizontal gene transfer: We  may need to re-evaluate how we think about evolution.

So, again, should people who need to know what is going on (not just people who need something to doze by) be even listening to Blow Dry? As opposed to That Guy?

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The internet has led to thousands of voices spouting thousands of biases. News, and her biases are a classic example of how these thousands of voices have created a cacophony of absolute nonsense. Garbled ideas of half understood evidence, mixed with confused analyses and fear of change, have given us a wide selection of absurdity. TV has always been dodgy as a source of information, primary sources and actual experimentation which most people can't do, is the best. TV will always be poor at giving reliable information, why don't you know that already News? That being said, I have a deep devotion to the BBC and its sublime documentaries. David Attenborough is a voice I admire and trust, unlike Ben Stein! rvb8
I never watch tv but a lot of youtube. It will become what it should be. only the best need turn your head. TV shows a oppressed society these days. Its owned by too few and unlike most people. good riddence to the bad stuff but perhaps better stuff will appear once the viewer is more selective. Its becoming uncool to watch tv and cable is just masking the demise. Robert Byers
I can remember when even the more populist newspapers printed good news stories. That was before they became the paranoid tabloids pandering to popular prejudice. So where do you find good reliable news? The Internet? Depends where you look Blogs are mostly platforms for personal axe-grinding. News aggregators, on the hope that if you combine enough coverage some sort of truth will emerge? Maybe, what other course is there? Seversky
Gosh, I can remember when the TV was always on in North America. Pays to live here in matters like that. I first got interested in crackpot naturalist science in the 1960s, when my sis and I used to sit up late and make up dialogue for the ridiculous sci-fi Bs - readers will know the ones: -- Doctor, I believe that that tyrannosaur is coming to eat us. Professor, I believe we should run. -- Yeah, we thinks you guys dam well better run. Trouble was, we couldn't make up dialogue worse than the studio had bought n' paid for. Eventually that matters. cheers, d. News
We are still assessing the significance of the fact that hardly anyone takes TV seriously any more
More news UD style. What the report actually says is that nearly all Americans* still watch a staggering amount of TV although the amount is dropping. It is truly creative to describe an average of nearly 5 hours a day as hardly watching TV! * It intrigues me that a Canadian regularly fails to distinguish between Americans and the world. Mark Frank

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