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Do twins inherit an equal amount of “smartness”?


File:A small cup of coffee.JPG No, apparently. Lifestyle choices matter too, especially exercise.

From Gretchen Reynolds at the New York Times:

As I frequently have written in this column, exercise may cause robust improvements in brain health and slow age-related declines in memory and thinking. Study after study has shown correlations between physical activity, muscular health and mental acuity, even among people who are quite old.

But these studies have limitations and one of them is that some people may be luckier than others. They may have been born to have a more robust brain than someone else. Their genes and early home environment might have influenced their brain health as much as or more than their exercise habits. Their genes and early home environment also might have influenced those exercise habits, as well as how their bodies and brains responded to exercise.

So what about twins raised together? What difference does exerise make?

found that of the 324 twins, those who had had the sturdiest legs a decade ago showed the least fall-off in thinking skills, even when the scientists controlled for such factors as fatty diets, high blood pressure and shaky blood-sugar control.

The differences in thinking skills were particularly striking within twin pairs. If one twin had been more powerful than the other 10 years before, she tended to be a much better thinker now.

That stands to reason, at least, when one considers that the brain is a high metabolic area.

In fact, on average, a muscularly powerful twin now performed about 18 percent better on memory and other cognitive tests than her weaker sister. More.

See also: There’s a gene for that… or is there?

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I don't have a twin. I suppose that could explain why am only half-smart. Mung
sturdy legism? This crackpot stuff reminds of the previous centuries crackpot stuff.. yes more active people would keep the memory more active. The memory is what we do our thinking with. They are trying to say human souls and thinking are about hard wiring in the skull. They are not. We have a soul. its immaterial. it only touches the world by touching the mind which is just a memory machine. Robert Byers
So what about twins raised together? What difference does exerise make?

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