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Disbelief in free will disrupts cooperation – only temporarily


According to yet another experimental manipulation. From ScienceDaily:

“Challenging a person’s belief in free will did not seem to provide them with a conscious justification for uncooperative behavior,” Protzko said. “If it did, we should have observed fewer contributions when people were given adequate time to think about their decision on the amount to contribute.

“It’s very damaging to hear that we don’t have free will,” said Protzko. “Discounting free will changes the way we see things. Yet given time, we recover and go about our lives as though nothing were different.” More. Paper. (paywall)

At least in their game simulation.

See also: How can we believe in naturalism if we have no choice?


“I will ” means something after all

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Does someone know of a course where one can learn how choosing works, and get a diploma for it? And I don't mean doubting it is real or not, just that it is real, and learning about how it works to a high level of sophistication. mohammadnursyamsu
“Challenging a person’s belief in free will did not seem to provide them with a conscious justification for uncooperative behavior,” Maybe they weren't challenging the right people. Charles

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