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Researchers: Last common Precambrian ancestor had complex adrenergic signaling


From BioMedCentral:

Given that all six receptor families (two each for octopamine, tyramine, and norepinephrine) can be found in representatives of the two major clades of Bilateria, the protostomes and the deuterostomes, all six receptors must have coexisted in the last common ancestor of the protostomes and deuterostomes.” Based on the presumption of common ancestry, this pushes back the origin of this complex signalling system into the Precambrian, and it suggests that subsequent evolution has more to do with losses than gains. “Our study also contributes to the understanding of nervous system evolution in bilaterians by revealing extensive losses during the history of one of the major classes of neurotransmitter systems. – Philipp Bauknecht and Gáspár Jékely, Ancient coexistence of norepinephrine, tyramine, and octopamine signaling in bilaterians BMC Biology, 30 January 2017, 15:6 | DOI: 10.1186/s12915-016-0341-7 More. More.

Good thought. As noted earlier, the more we know, the more evolution becomes a history. Histories go back and forth.

Darwinism/neo-Darwinism/extended synthesis are metaphysics, seeking to impose themselves on the history by revealing some kind of truth about it. They are propaganda funded by the hapless education ratepayer in the name of “science.”

See also: Devolution: Getting back to the simple life

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Does this mean anything to the Darwinists?
Maybe it never did and never will mean anything to those who don't want it to mean anything. The evidences from discoveries mean what they mean and don't mean what they don't mean. It's that simple. Complex complexity derived from top-down design, though unfortunately messed up big time through human history. Had we remained in Eden, it would have been exactly as designed. But got free will to disobey our Creator. Too late now. Dionisio
Given that all six receptor families (two each for octopamine, tyramine, and norepinephrine) can be found in representatives of the two major clades of Bilateria, the protostomes and the deuterostomes, all six receptors must have coexisted in the last common ancestor of the protostomes and deuterostomes.”
Well, where is this LCA? Is it in the fossil record? And, if we were to find this putative form, how would we know that it contained these receptor families since there is no extant descendant in today's world? Pseudoscience: explanations based on WHAT CAN'T BE SEEN!
Based on the presumption of common ancestry, this pushes back the origin of this complex signalling system into the Precambrian, and it suggests that subsequent evolution has more to do with losses than gains. “Our study also contributes to the understanding of nervous system evolution in bilaterians by revealing extensive losses during the history of one of the major classes of neurotransmitter systems.
This is in complete accord with the notion of "frontloading," and then, subsequently, with Behe's "First Rule of Adaptation." Isn't it interesting how more and more experimental results are consistent with ID predictions, and inconsistent with Darwinian expectations? Does this mean anything to the Darwinists? PaV

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