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Asked at LiveScience: Where is the multiverse hiding?

soap bubbles/Timothy Pilgrim

Asked by Mindy Weisberger:

While scientists have yet to find any evidence that multiverses exist, there are a number of hypotheses that use the laws of physics to explore the possibility of multiple universes, sometimes challenging our understanding of reality itself in the process, Erin Macdonald, astrophysicist and self-proclaimed “massive sci-fi nerd,” explained during a panel on Saturday (June 17) at Future Con, a festival that highlighted the intersection between science, technology and science fiction in Washington, D.C. More.

Not only have we yet to find any evidence that multiverses exist, it is unclear that we could find any such evidence in principle.

The article provides useful information on various multiverse theories, about which we learn, “”None of these can be proven — but they’re fun to think about,” Macdonald said.”

So where is the multiverse hiding? Where are the fairies in the bottom of the garden hiding?

So now, how did this become a topic in… science? Well, here is one possibility: If Top People truly need the idea, there is a serious risk that they will enforce it anyway, by tampering with basic principles of science such as falsifiability and Occam’s razor.

See also: But who needs reality-based thinking anyway? Not the new cosmologists


In search of a road to reality: Make evidence matter again

TR @ 8: Excellent points. Truth Will Set You Free
A @ 10: True science (empirical science) is a unifier. We all benefit from true science in medicine and technology. The problem is with science JOURNALISM, which these days is mostly a/mat philosophy under the guise of empirical science. Truth Will Set You Free
The sad part is that science could be a unifier, where people come together to evaluate evidence, but instead science gets abused for petty political projects. ...and the drums beat louder. Andrew asauber
Reminds me of the term Man made “Climate Change” which has come to be a theory that explains all warming cooling and weather phenomenon, everything can be attributed to it – therefore it explains nothing.
You are exactly right, Tom Robbins. And Warmists/Evos/Scientismists just beat their drums louder. Andrew asauber
I can't help but always come to the same conclusion. By positing multiverses to the point where they ALMOST claim it is likely (with no evidence), goes against a primary axiom in science. Instead of defining a predicted outcome, you simply claim all outcomes are due to your "theory" - it's contrary to the scientific method, period. And is simply philosophy based in a world view. Philosophy can be an important part of science, but it does not generate testable theories, and it should not be used to explain gathered data away (fine tuning) - where is the NULL hypothesis in all of this? Where is occam's razor in all of this? Just because you can't come to terms with actual gathered evidence that suggests a huge level of fine tuning for conscious life, does not mean you can make up endless excuses for observed data! Reminds me of the term Man made "Climate Change" which has come to be a theory that explains all warming cooling and weather phenomenon, everything can be attributed to it - therefore it explains nothing. Tom Robbins
Where is the multiverse hiding?
Sorry, I'm not telling. Seversky
Thx Andrew. Dittos regarding the multiverse. tribune7
How is an infinite number of universes a “brute fact”?
Sorry tribune7, my comment was sarcasm. Not Sarcastic: The idea of the multiverse is idiotic and just shows the kind of stupidity we are up against. Andrew asauber
How is an infinite number of universes a "brute fact"? tribune7
A/mat mythology. Truth Will Set You Free
how did this become a topic in… science?
It's Brute Fact in an infinite number of universes. Andrew asauber
Modern multiverse math posits a kazillion dead universes for a live one. Awful wastefulness. Awfully wasteful. ppolish

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