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The Darwin Gene/Meme?


The following text and image were sent to me by colleague and fellow Darwin-doubter Stu Harris.

It’s well known that people tend to look like or take on the visage of their pets, pop heroes and spiritual mentors. Daniel Dennett is apparently not immune to this process. Over the years he has more and more taken on the countenance of his guru Charles Darwin. Below is a recent picture of Dennett set against two of Darwin. Astounding isn’t it?

Could this be a form of mimicry that protects Darwinians in some way? Could it be that the iconic image of Darwin shields one from intellectual attacks by normally rational members of the scientific community, thus promoting the survival of the Darwinian meme? Of course only people with the right genes can successfully carry out this mimicry: those with the genes for Santa Claus beards, pug noses, beetle brows, perfectly bald pates and perhaps an inbred materialistic world view. This is a fascinating mixture of memetic and genetic survival. Have you seen any other instances of this phenomenon?


I'll go into a practical aplication of this new insight. I have to consult those who can predict what Dembski (means no harm)would look like when he is old to determine whether I would accept Dembski's Theory. If he looks bad, then I would disagree with him and find somebody else who would look good in his elderly years. (smile) JS
Regarding Santa, I encourage the readers to look at: Santa No Longer Here Salvador scordova
There's more! As we all know, Darwin's ocean going voyage on the Beagle is what led to his fame. And, what is Dennett's favorite activity? "Sailing is his favorite sport, and he has cruised and raced big boats and little boats, ocean-going catamarans and windsurfers, not only on the New England coast, but in California and Alaska, Tahiti, Mexico, and Greece..." Also it's well known that Darwin sought out baths and hydrotherapy for his illnesses and general health. What about Dennett? "His research has taken him to South America, Australia, Africa, Japan, and all the countries of Europe, permitting him to explore, ski, and scuba-dive all over the world." See: http://ase.tufts.edu/philosophy/people/dennett.shtml The evidence mounts for the Darwin gene/meme, and we must follow that evidence where it leads us. Stu StuartHarris
Of course the real answer is that Dennett is the reincarnation of Darwin, having changed little in the intervening years! tinabrewer
"Could this be a form of mimicry that protects Darwinians in some way? Could it be that the iconic image of Darwin shields one from intellectual attacks by normally rational members of the scientific community, thus promoting the survival of the Darwinian meme?" Um... You ARE joking, right? Sorry, sometimes I can't be sure here... Anyway, why not suppose that both Dennett and Darwin wanted to look like *ahem* "you-know-who"? Or rather, that the reason you-know-who does look that way in the first place, is that it's a figure that subconciously induces reverence and respect, something that writers and philosophers and priests and scientists (and deities) could use? Just some food for thought. PS: In the 19th century they made fun of Darwin for supposedly looking like an ape, now we make fun of "evolutionists" looking like Darwin. A definite pattern of evolution here... Phed
Why am I compelled to crawl up onto Dennett's lap and tell him what I want for Christmas? Scott
Let me prophesy here: In a little while, if other evidences do not work to convince Darwin doubters this one would go the text books as proof that Darwinian Theory is true. And I would guess that Darwinist would not hesitate anymore to appreciate the contribution of IDist to then! JS
Aw crap! The image didn't work. Here's the link to it: http://www.surfnetkids.com/postcards/santaclaus-pc.htm crandaddy
So what does this tell us about good ol' Saint Nick? santa claus crandaddy
Gil - Nice post! dougmoran
DonaldM - If only Dennett was really Woody in disquise. Even he would appreciate the farce. :) dougmoran
This reminds of the old Woody Allen film "Zelig" where the main charcter is able to take on the physical features of those around him. Maybe Dennett is really Woody Allen!! DonaldM
Dear Gil, nice to read you! Stu asked: "Have you seen any other instances of this phenomenon?" My answer is yes, lately the same "meme" has been expressed by Peter R. Grant, who just needs to let it grow a little bit more (smile). Grant's picture is here. He affirms that varieties of finches that are able to interbreed producing fertile offspring are still the prime example for the Darwinian MacroEvolution, can U imagine that? Fer

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