Uncommon Descent Serving The Intelligent Design Community

If you really want to sell the product, put it to RAP


On the other hand, if this is what you’ve got to do to sell the product, maybe it ain’t so great …

SOURCE: www.youtube.com/watch?v=7hUNBhRiKCI

holy crap. I'm not really a fan of rap, but I'm pretty sure that really sucks. Sad but true. Almost offensive to my ears. geez. Kill it with fire. tragic mishap
Here Is A pretty cool Intelligent Design Rap video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vt2RXf5VXLQ bornagain77
tragic - getting CD's present address could be a useful way of settling the whole evolution debate. And we wouldn't have to worry about calculations of FCSI either! Heinrich
Lol^ Frost122585
Generally the way these disputes are resolved is a gunfight in South LA. I'll function as your second. Charles Darwin will have to be contacted though and that might take awhile. tragic mishap
Tragic Mishap
Funny thing, I have been thinking, or more like musing, about some sort of rap about the three Ds: Richard Dawkins (D-dog) Daniel Dennett (D-squared) Charles Darwin (The Big D) THE BIG D!
Hey TM, I'm the Big D -- use something else! ;-) Donald M DonaldM
Funny thing, I have been thinking, or more like musing, about some sort of rap about the three Ds: Richard Dawkins (D-dog) Daniel Dennett (D-squared) Charles Darwin (The Big D) THE BIG D! tragic mishap
I learned that a gular pouch is a prerequisite for copulation. Didn't know they couldn't reproduce until they had one. Guess you learn something new every day. tragic mishap
And this could be a major problem for both evolution and ID, because if Iguanas are always chill’n that means they aren't doing much evolving or designing. But I think you could arguing that if they are always chill’n then that is evidence for stasis and therefore against universal common ancestry. So actually they disproved evolution in their video- thanks to the ALWAYS chill'n Iguana evidence. Frost122585
Yeah the Dick to the Dawk video was top notch- specially because it had Christoper Hitchens sporting cigarettes and booze. But I must say that what I learned from this video was at the end where they said that "Iguanas are always chill’n, Yo." And that is clearly a very important scientific observation. If ID wants to become a major scientific paradigm it first needs to account for the evidence of Iguanas always chill’n... Yo. Frost122585
They're all guys. I feel sorry for them, if this is the best they can do. vjtorley
Not nearly as good as the "Dick to the Dawk" video used as a teaser for Expelled. hummus man
Yo. Iguanas are always chill’n. Frost122585
er...on telling stories. JGuy
What do you expect from an education built largely on fairy stories? JGuy
Did they really use Haeckel's faked embryo drawings? Haeckel himself confessed to the fraud. Biologists are incorrigible. N.Schuster
Not too bad. Makes me want to listen to Souls of Mischief right around now... Atom
Yo, since when did Cornel West move to Stanford and take up biology? kibitzer

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