I received the following email from someone I will keep anonymous:
Subject: blog entry on talk origins
Date: Mon, 4 Dec 2006 12:35:41 -0500
From: snip
To:Bill, we have met a few times and are clearly on opposite sides with regards to ID, but I think we are on the same side with regard to Christ (although I am a Mormon). For this reason I strongly think you should remove [the] blog entry on TalkOrigins google problem. First, it is mocking and exploiting talkorgins problems with a hacker. I have always hoped that the ID debate could happen more often at a higher level than that (I do criticize my fellow ID opponents when I feel that they also have exploited situations like this because it has nothing to do with the issue).
Second the cached page contains language and (as accidently found out) live links to extreme pornography. Not something I would think you would want on Uncommondescent.
Because we were ourselves delisted recently from Google (and then relisted), the UD post in question is of interest here. Nonetheless, let’s try to avoid all appearance of Schadenfreude on this blog. Talksorigins, though slanted very much against ID, contains many items that ID proponents may want to refer to, if only by way of rebuttal. And presumably, with the shoe on the other foot, the same is true for the other side with respect to UD.
If the pornographic links really were the work of a hacker, I hope talkorigins.org resolves this problem and gets relisted pronto.