Someday, some of our friends need to learn the difference between modernist and post-modernist culture.
Apparently, Neil deGrasse Tyson has been caught manufacturing out of paper blowing past a “quote” by former US Prez G.W. Bush (one would guess, not one of Tyson’s faves).
To understand why it doesn’t matter, forget Carl Sagan and Cosmos I. Sagan had to make it before post-modernism really took hold. So he had to stick to a generally accepted story. Tyson’s Cosmos II could be a list of pet secularist causes rather than post-Cosmos I science achievements, flop at box, and nonetheless be run through the compulsory school system.
In a post-modern environment, people can say anything they want and compel others to accept it because that is the closest substitute for truth that a nihilist society can achieve.
So the Tyson quote is “true” in the sense that Tyson’s audience believes it. As in Hollywood, the authentic sound, irrespective of fact, is what counts in the long run.
Readers can readily see how that helps discredited Darwinism. It must be accepted if it is honestly believed by approved people. Especially if believed by soulful people.
See also: The importance of the fact that Darwinism is a story (Darwinism’s demise would leave too great a hole in many lives to be contemplated. So it never is. No matter what.)
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