World-renowned Johns Hopkins neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson is under fire from several biology professors at Emory University, where he’s scheduled to give the commencement address.
They wrote a letter to the school newspaper after learning Carson does not believe in evolution,…..
Dr. Ben Carson’s Beliefs On Evolution Stir Controversy At Emory University
About 500 Darwinist alumni, students, and faculty from Emory decided to pile on by signing the letter.
Carson is the director of Pediatric Neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital and was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian award in the United States, by President George W. Bush in 2008. Hopkins boasts 17 Nobel prizes in medicine/physiology and researchers associated with the university were awarded Nobel prizes in Chemistry (Dan Schectman) and Physics (Adam Riess) in 2011.
Johns Hopkins has shown toleration over the years toward their researchers who were creationists (like Lee Spetner) or those who question Darwinism (like Paul McHugh) by not taking sides in the controversy. Why should evolution be a big deal, it seems science and medicine proceed just fine without it. It’s nice to see that no such witch hunt is going on at Johns Hopkins like the witch hunt at Emory. The people at Hopkins have so far shown they have better things to do than conduct inquisitions of people’s personal beliefs. Too bad other institutions can’t follow that example.
It is also evident that even Darwinists would be hard pressed to find a better person to uphold an example of perseverance than creationist Ben Carson.
Carson recalled growing up in Boston and Detroit and living in poverty.
“Large multifamily dwellings, boarded-up windows, sirens, gangs, murders, rats and roaches, the whole nine yards. Anything you can imagine, that’s what it was,” Carson said.
And a source of even greater pain for Carson was how he was treated at school.
“When I was a kid, I didn’t think that I was very smart,” Carson admitted.
He was failing in school and his temper was out of control.
With his mother’s love and encouragement, he healed his temper and gained the confidence to get to the top of his class.
Gooding portrays Carson as an adult attending Yale and Johns Hopkins University.
“When I think about where I came from to where I am now, it’s kind of mind boggling,” Carson said.
Now he is a celebrated neurosurgeon, a leader in his field.
“Everybody, no matter who they are, have problems in life. And we’ll continue to have problems in life. You get to decide whether those problems become something that weakens you or something that strengthens you,” Carson said.
I don’t believe in evolution…
Ben Carson
from Dawkins and Dennett vs. Collins and Carson