In response to “Philosophy professor: Science demonstrates atheism, but … your brain didn’t evolve so as to understand it: Six reasons why rational thinkers choose to believe in God:
2. If God Does Not Exist Then There Is No Objective Definition of Good and Evil. Everyone’s Subjective Feelings Of Good and Evil All Have the Same Level of Authority.
Why is it evil to murder infants? Why is Peter Singer wrong? I find no fault with Singer’s logic.
Indeed, Rosenberg, the philosophy prof linked above, makes clear that he believes that there is no God and everything is permitted. But he also thinks we won’t be as happy if we behave immorally.
One wonders why we wouldn’t be just as happy with immorality. Given that we find it so natural, we clearly evolved to behave that way. Cats evolved to torment and kill smaller animals, and they don’t feel unhappy about it at all. So …
If you think there is something wrong with Rosenberg’s approach, how did you get the idea? Your brain just happened to evolve that way, as he suggests? If you think there must be more to your suspicions than a primeval tendency to attribute agency where there is none, watch Prager’s whole series.