A viewer files after the Dawkins “Newsnight” interview, promoting his children’s book, The Magic of Reality:
I would never describe Richard Dawkins or Jeremy Paxman as stupid, but neither would I describe John Polkinghorne, Richard Swinburne, or the Queen as stupid. Last night while Newsnight was touting Richard Dawkins new book, both Dawkins and Paxman used the word “stupid” (not ignorant of facts, or misinformed, or holding believes contrary to their own) to describe people who are religious believers. I am not surprised or offended by Professor Dawkins’ viewpoint, but I am by Mr. Paxman’s. As a BBC News presenter I would expect him to interview, not cheer on Prof Dawkins. I would also expect the BBC to involve a credible representative of an alternative view (e.g. Professor Polkinghorne) to balance out the report. What I do not think appropriate is for a news show to tout books, and cheer on a specific viewpoint without an attempt to provide some balance. (No link)
What purpose to government broadcasters like the BBC (or in Canada, the CBC) serve these days?
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Hat tip: Stephanie West Allen at Brains on Purpose