But does he still really understand?
So I’ve changed my mind about Darwinism. I guess I have to tell you where my mind was to tell you where it now is.
But here is what still puzzles some of us: How could he have been a “follower of Jesus” (he says he is) and believed what Darwin said about dark-skinned people? Surely he did not know:
The break between man and his nearest allies will then be wider, for it will intervene between man in a more civilised state, as we may hope, even than the Caucasian, and some ape as low as a baboon, instead of as now between the negro or Australian and the gorilla.
But that was an essential aspect of Darwin’s theory, and his theory would be untrue without it.
Is it because Darwin’s defenders are “superheroes” that we can’t confront this?:
I don’t believe in superheroes but do believe in the unity of the human race.
Does the pastor really understand how awful and wrong it has all been?