At Evolution News and Science Today, we learn that Darrel Falk is still around? Why do people care about Christian evolutionism when even the big Darwin guys like Kevin Laland are looking for non-Darwin answers? Oh well, if Darrel Falk is funded, he is around, right? And we’re not getting dinged for it. So really what?
No surprise, Falk doesn’t like Steve Meyer’s new book, The Return of the God Hypothesis. Anyway, we hear:
In his critical review of Return of the God Hypothesis for BioLogos, to which Brian Miller and I have been responding (here, here, and here), biologist Darrel Falk argued that Stephen Meyer “does not fully appreciate the power of gene duplication and mutation in generating new proteins and changing the way that gene regulatory networks function.” We saw in a previous post that Meyer discussed these topics extensively in both his latest book and his previous book, Darwin’s Doubt. He showed how they do not explain the origin of animal body plans. Falk never addresses Meyer’s specific criticisms of both processes as mechanisms of evolutionary innovation. But he does argue that one “mystery” that seems to be solvable is how fins evolved into limbs.
Casey Luskin, “Revealing Darrel Falk’s Overstatements about Limb Bones in Fish Fins” at Evolution News and Science Today
Some of us have at least a plausible hope of living long enough to hear that limbs evolved first. We shall see.
Things that just don’t change come what may? See the best Canadian folk song: Four Strong Winds: