Who are the true liberals, those for whom neither tolerance nor skepticism are applied selectively, much less prejudicially? I received the following email a few days ago from one such true liberal.
To: william.dembski@[snip]
Date: Thu, 09 Jun 2005 14:38:56 -0500
From: [snip]@[snip]
Subject: Debating ID in the MediaDear Mr Dembski:
As a political liberal who not long ago went over to
the ID side, I want to encourage you, M Behe, and a
few other leading proponents to get more
aggressive about having your voice heard in the
lib-oriented media, print and electronic.Today, for instance, I heard Allen Orr get 15
minutes unopposed on liberal Air America Radio’s
Al Franken Show.Why not contact them and ask for equal time
and/or a debate with Orr?It’s great that NPR’s Science Friday has
occasionally allowed you and Behe to debate
(though as I recall, it was one IDer vs 2 Darwinists,
plus anti-ID Ira Flatow, which makes 3 vs 1).But don’t underestimate the power of AAR, a new
lib network since 04, to get out the fascinating ID
message. I think their listeners would be rather
stunned to hear you or Behe or similar not
remotely sounding like anti-scientific biblical
creationists, which is the current stereotype they
have of you and the ID movement (and to my
regret, I cannot shake my lib friends from this
ignorant generalization).Please consider contacting AAR (or Pacifica
Radio/Amy Goodman’s Democracy Now) to ask for
your 15 minutes, or more….Best,
former Darwinist