Readers will remember biochemist Larry Moran, now emeritus at the University of Toronto. He used to comment here a fair bit.
He is now publishing a book (probably 2022), called What’s in Your Genome: 90% of Your Genome Is Junk Some chapters include “The ENCODE Publicity Campaign” and “Zen and the Art of Coping with a Poorly-Designed Genome.”
In the comments, he tells us, “ I have a section in the last chapter titled “No comfort for intelligent design creationists” where I explain why they are wrong about junk DNA. I’m pretty sure that will silence any criticism. :-)”
Well, it’s sure not us here at UD he has to argue with really. We have 214 stories in the “junk DNA” category and most of them are about the uses found for DNA that was formerly thought to be junk.
If he wants to pick a fight with ENCODE, grab a seat.
Note: Today, he offered an explanation of his overall intentions.
See also: We are encouraged to celebrate ENCODE III and the demise of junk DNA.
Did beliefs about junk DNA hinder the Human Genome Project?