In “Humanly Speaking … Part 2” (Biologic Institute, July 5, 2012) Ann Gauger responds to a possible misunderstanding of her work in Science and Human Origins, Chapter 5:
here seems to be an idea on the part of some critics that my analysis in “Science and Human Origins” means that humans arose four million years ago. That is not the case.
In the book I said that we share four haplotypes with chimps, and between three and five haplotypes predate the putative split between our lineage and chimps, assuming common descent is true. How many haplotypes depends on how the tree is drawn, and where the estimated divergence time is placed.
Some have said mistakenly that this means the first humans must have appeared at four million years. I never said that and the data do not show that.
Figures: If the girl is making some sense, they have to make up something she didn’t say, so they don’t have to address what she did say. That’s life.
See also:
Science and Human Origins conclusion: It IS possible we came from just two parents
Adam and Eve could be real?: Genes’ introns and exons tell different stories here. Who to believe?
Adam and Eve possible?: Ayala’s contrary claim built in favourable assumptions
Breaking: Adam and Eve are scientifically possible