Steve Rueland writes More of What We’re Up Against. Unfortunately Steve fails to assign the proper blame here. What he’s up against is a high school science teacher that failed to teach the letter writer the basic laws of physics. These are your schools, Steve. We’re trying to wrest control of the science curriculum from your ilk for failures of exactly this kind. You cannot call fairy stories of time and chance being able to create life and all living things “science” and then expect the same students to believe real physical science. Once they know science teachers tell fairy stories and pretend they’re as factual as gravity they lose all trust in science teachers. We can spoonfeed this stuff to you, Stevey, if you’d stop making faces and spitting it out.
Update: It looks like a science teacher failed Gary Hurd too. Here he exhibits his ignorance of the evolution of the periodic table by saying that water didn’t evolve. Uh no, Gary, water did evolve. Here’s how. First generation stars were nothing but hydrogen. They fuse hydrogen and turn it into helium and energy. When they run out of hydrogen the core collapses and helium fuses into carbon and energy. This is the end of normal stars. However if the star is massive enough when the helium runs out the core collapses further and carbon starts fusing into oxygen plus energy. This process goes on until finally if a star is massive enough it finally explodes in a supernova burst and distributes all those heavier than hydrogen fusion products into gas clouds that eventually collapse to form stars and planets with heavy elements already in them. This is stellar evolution. So you see Gary, since water is composed of hydrogen and oxygen, water is a product of (stellar) evolution. Now you know. Don’t bother thanking me. Furthering the education of Darwinian know-it-alls that don’t really know very much at all is my distinct pleasure.