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And now for something completely different… Darwinian PZ Myers laments the sad state of atheism today


At Pharyngula:

I noticed the “troubling turn” about 8 years ago, as more and more atheists began to rally around two themes: the Glorious Leaders who were fonts of inarguable Reason & Logic, and a definition of atheism that exempted them from all social responsibility or ethical obligation. The other big difference was that unlike Eiynah, I resisted criticizing with the excuses of #NotAllAtheists and they’ll outgrow the regressive social tendencies if we just keep trying. I was wrong. And it is quite depressing.More.

He offers a presumably share-able image:

some arseholes with a sign standing in bushes

Also, he provides a link to a longer piece at Nice Mangos:

BUT…there’s still something about it that feels a little regressive and cult-like. The blind faith, dogmatism, tribalism, homophobia, sexism, sexual abuse and harassment, transphobia – and often, what boils down to a refusal to question leaders. All these things, that make so many movement atheists smug because they regularly assume and *loudly* declare that they’re above it all, are present within their own circles too.

Actually, others have noticed that as well.

One problem is that, to remain honest, atheists must sometimes part company with serious progressives. Most serious progressives are actually nihilists. For all they know, there could be a God as long as he is not in their way.

They do not care what is true, as long as their heels are on some Bret Weinstein’s face.

That is what Sam Harris has been discovering… the hard way. If the atheist stands for facts, in and of themselves, he becomes the enemy no matter what else he thinks. He is implying that progressives are accountable to something other than successful seizure of power.

To hang with progressives for long is to become like them.


See also: A Progressive Auto-da-fé (Barry Arrington)

At Quillette: Who will the Evergreen mob (targeted biology teacher recently) target next?


PZ Myers on Royal Society “rethink evolution” meet

re 3: I anticipated this objection when I wrote most atheists would "consider the arguments about nihilism common here as bogus philosophizing that is completely out of touch with the lives of actual atheists." As for Jordan Peterson as a source, see https://freethoughtblogs.com/pharyngula/2018/05/25/jordan-peterson-gets-burned-hard/ and https://freethoughtblogs.com/pharyngula/2018/05/20/why-is-jordan-peterson-so-unreasonably-popular/. Peterson is an example of what PZ is talking about, but his quotes mean nothing. You can assemble all the quotes you want, but if you don't survey the whole range of thoughts within a field, you are just cherry-picking to confirm your biases.jdk
May 27, 2018
08:15 AM
as to PZ:
more and more atheists began to rally around,,, a definition of atheism that exempted them from all social responsibility or ethical obligation
And jdk @ 2
most non-believers believe, and act, as PZ does in respect to a concern for social responsibility [and] ethical obligation,
So PZ and jdk bemoan the fact that rank and file atheists apparently are living consistently within atheism and forsake social responsibility or ethical obligation. PZ and jdk apparently believe that an immaterial objective morality that is binding to all persons can be derived from a belief system, i.e. atheistic materialism, which holds immaterial objective morality to be illusory. That is a direct contradiction in beliefs. It is NOT the rank and file atheists who are out of sync with what atheistic materialism actually entails, it is atheists such a PZ and jdk who are out of sync. (In fact, I hold that many atheists initially turn to atheism precisely because they want to escape moral norms.)
The Problem With Atheism According To A Secular Psychologist - 23/10/2017 Excerpt: Psych Professor Jordan Peterson nails the problem with modern Atheism when he says: "What is irrational about me getting exactly what I want from every one of you whenever I want it at every possible second?…There’s nothing irrational about it. It’s pure naked self-interest." He continues: "Why not every man for himself and the devil take the hindmost? It’s a perfectly coherent philosophy, and it’s actually one that you can institute in the world with a fair bit of material success if you want to do it." - Jordan Peterson –,,, There are many possible situations where doing good can be considered irrational. Jewish social commentator Dennis Prager gives the following historical example that makes the point: "Was it rational or irrational for a non-Jew in Nazi-occupied Europe during World War II to risk his or her life to hide a Jew? We all know that this was moral greatness of the highest order. But was it rational?" Prager’s answer: "Not really. You can’t get much more rational than self-preservation. Moreover, in all the studies I have read of non-Jewish rescuers of Jews during the Holocaust — and I have read many — I have never read of any rescuers who said that they did what they did because it was the reasonable or rational thing to do. Not one.",,, It can be rational to cheat on a test, a business deal, or a marriage, if the rewards outweigh the risk of being caught. And it was irrational of non-Jews to put their own lives at enormous risk for the sake of helping Jews during the Holocaust. And so here, in a nutshell, is the problem for Atheism: 4) If Doing Evil Can Be Rational, and Doing Good Can Be Irrational, Then Human Reason Alone Can’t Tell Us Right From Wrong.,,, So if it wasn’t reason alone that gave us the western view of human rights, human equality, and human dignity, then where did such a view of humanity come from? 5) The Western View Of Morality and Human Equality Did Not Arise Through Human Reason Alone But Through the Religion of Judeo-Christianity.,,, In the words of Atheist philosopher Luc Ferry: "Christianity was to introduce the notion that humanity was fundamentally identical, that men were equal in dignity – an unprecedented idea at the time, and one to which our world owes its entire democratic inheritance." https://au.thegospelcoalition.org/article/the-problem-with-atheism-according-to-a-secular-psychologist/
May 27, 2018
07:52 AM
These are problems with the "atheist movement", which I personally care very little about. But note carefully that PZ Myers is for an atheist movement that also is for "social responsibility [and] ethical obligation". Despite the general belief here that atheism is essentially nihilistic, most non-believers believe, and act, as PZ does in respect to a concern for social responsibility [and] ethical obligation, and would consider the arguments about nihilism common here as bogus philosophizing that is completely out of touch with the lives of actual atheists.jdk
May 27, 2018
07:03 AM
Good post. Love the accompanying photo. I don't take a/mat zealots seriously anymore. Most are just haters and trolls.Truth Will Set You Free
May 27, 2018
06:33 AM
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