In the thread to another post, “Evolve” writes:
There’s absolutely no evidence that any God exists . . .
There you have it folks. All this wrangling back and forth for millennia solved in a flash by Evolve’s super-intellect. Oh Evolve, where have you been all of my life? You have decreed there is “absolutely no evidence” for the existence of God. How much easier my life would have been if I had known about your decree earlier; if I had known that one needn’t actually engage with evidence; if I had known one can simply decree that what is thought to be evidence by one’s opponents “absolutely” does not exist.
Evolve has decreed there is “absolutely no evidence” for the existence of God. As with the law of the Medes and the Persians, his decree is unalterable. So he has written; so it shall be. “But, but I think there is evidence,” you might say. Nonsense. Evolve has decreed otherwise:
The fine tuning of the universe. Poof, gone. Decreed to be “not evidence” by Evolve
The moral sense. Poof, gone. Decreed to be “not evidence” by Evolve
The fact that a natural universe cannot logically have a natural cause. Poof, gone. Decreed to be “not evidence” by Evolve
The fact that there is something instead of nothing. Poof, gone. Decreed to be “not evidence” by Evolve
The overwhelming odds against the Darwinian story being true (estimated at 10^-1018 by atheist Eugen Koonin). Poof, gone. Decreed to be “not evidence” by Evolve
The irreducible complexity of biological systems. Poof, gone. Decreed to be “not evidence” by Evolve
The vast amounts of complex computer-like code stored in DNA. Poof, gone. Decreed to be “not evidence” by Evolve
The miracles that have been reported throughout history. Poof, gone. Decreed to be “not evidence” by Evolve
My subjective self-awareness. Poof, gone. Decreed to be “not evidence” by Evolve
The fact that we do not even have plausible speculations to account for the origin of life. Poof, gone. Decreed to be “not evidence” by Evolve
In all seriousness, one wonders how someone who obviously went to a school somewhere (he can turn on his computer and write a blog comment after all), can say such an astonishingly stupid thing. Certainly it is possible that Evolve could weigh the evidence for God’s existence and find it insufficient. Many have done so. But no intelligent person says there is “absolutely” no evidence (that word is particularly ironic; for materialists like Evolve there are no absolutes except the absolute certainty one can have that God does not exist). That our schools could produce such a puny intellect is cause for at least concern if not despair.