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At Evolution News: How Science Fueled the White Supremacist Mass Murderer in Buffalo, NY


His views on religion and politics were all over the map but of one thing he was sure:

In his purported manifesto, the shooter asserts that blacks “are a different subspecies of human.” Why? Because “Whites and Blacks are separated by tens of thousands of years of evolution, and our genetic material is obviously very different.” (emphasis mine, p. 14) Elsewhere he suggests that Europeans and Asians are more recently evolved than blacks (p. 17), which sounds eerily reminiscent of the view of countless racists of the past (including Charles Darwin himself) that blacks are the lowest humans on the evolutionary ladder.

You won’t find the shooter drawing on Tucker Carlson or Donald Trump in his manifesto. You will find lots of citations to articles in mainstream peer-reviewed science journals, including Nature Genetics, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Molecular Psychiatry, Journal of Research in Personality, Personality and Individual Differences, and Current Directions in Psychological Science. You will also find citations to science articles published in media outlets like the New York Times. The shooter cites those sources to try to justify genetic reductionism and his abhorrent belief in black genetic inferiority.

Unfortunately, the Buffalo shooter’s evolutionary racism is not an outlier among recent mass killers. Arguments drawn from evolution have been prominent in the ideologies of many mass shooters in recent years, including Anders Breivik in 2011, a Norwegian mass murderer cited as a role model by the Buffalo shooter. Other shooters smitten by Darwinian evolution have included the Columbine High School shooters in 1999, Finnish shooter Pekka Eric Auvinen in 2007, the Holocaust Memorial Museum shooter in 2009, and the Gilroy Garlic Festival shooter in 2019.

John G. West, “How Science Fueled the White Supremacist Mass Murderer in Buffalo, NY” at Evolution News (May 16, 2022)

Do they still teach Darwin in the schools? Maybe that’s dangerous.

You may also wish to read: Richard Weikart on the non-religious racism that anti-racists ignore Weikart: While researching my book, Darwinian Racism, I examined the websites and publications of many neo-Nazi, white nationalist, and alt-right individuals and organizations. What I discovered was that most white nationalists and white supremacists today embrace a social Darwinist version of scientific racism and vehemently oppose Christianity.

Context, JHolo. Try to follow along. You obviously have serious issues and should seek help. ET
ET: Just look at the illegal immigration occurring at the USA’s southern border. That is more than enough evidence for the great replacement. Democrats would be in heaven if the minorities outnumbered Caucasians. That is what they want. You have to be blind or willfully ignorant to not see that.
"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore." Racism against immigrants is not new. https://www.history.com/.image/c_limit%2Ccs_srgb%2Cq_auto:good%2Cw_686/MTU3ODc4NjAzNTM5Njg3MTM1/image-placeholder-title.webp JHolo
@Fred Hickson What a terrible attempt at a comeback. Nice try, though. But there is some good news. Based on your comment, you've managed to convince me that you have no life. So I should probably walk back my earlier comment. KRock
Just look at the illegal immigration occurring at the USA's southern border. That is more than enough evidence for the great replacement. Democrats would be in heaven if the minorities outnumbered Caucasians. That is what they want. You have to be blind or willfully ignorant to not see that. ET
Is that the same "Rock" whose avatar wielded an automatic on some other website? Fred Hickson
@Fred Hickson Gee, Fred, why don't you enlighten us with some more of your drivel. Fred Hickson — convincing nobody at UD since he showed up! KRock
The fact that someone who not all that long ago would have been institutionalized talks about the distinction in races as some being less evolved, sounds like what Darwin wrote. Darwin's, Descent of Man, does refer to those Darwin deemed to be less than human as members of savage races. He made clear his belief that they should be slaughtered. BobRyan
“Although racism might have been logically tenable before Darwin, Darwin made it possible to be an intellectually fulfilled racist.” capalas
There was a report a while back on NPR in which they interviewed an academic who studied terrorism and the type of personalities terrorist organizations recruited. To my surprise, they found that they looked for young people who were aimless drifters. People who had shown no previous allegiance to any existing political or religious movement but were looking for something. Once they found - or were provided with - that something, they could easily become fanatical in pursuit of their new-found cause. It sounds like this shooter found his cause in the "Great Replacement" conspiracy theory. The references to evolution or Darwinism are window-dressing, a post-hoc rationalization and justification for a much more visceral racism. The real villains are those who profit from peddling this poison to the impressionable, regardless of who suffers as a consequence. Seversky
Our previous President is a White Supremacist.
And yet he did more to help black communities than Obama. ET
Who are you talking to,Jerry? Is anyone listening? Fred Hickson
In case anyone missed it, the Ministry of Truth is dead. At least for now. jerry
It’s kind of hard to hide the truth now. Dow drops 1100 points. That’s about 5500 points in about 6 months. It must be Trump’s fault. To be fair, it is higher than high before C19 and at same price when Biden took office. jerry
Here, at UD, however, the agenda is “everything Darwin.” Taking down Darwin and his scientific stature and re-casting him as Satan incarnate seems more important than any other topic. You might even call it an obsession
I agree. And ironically it’s probably counterproductive. But the commenters here don’t care. Portraying Darwin as just another peon along the way, as someone who got a couple things right but was mostly wrong and irrelevant would be much more effective. But this isn’t a site pushing ID, it’s a site for people to rant. Darwin and atheist hating is the main agenda. Is this the first thing that ChuckDarwin got right? jerry
"You spelled my moniker incorrectly……" I know. Andrew asauber
Asauber/16 You spelled my moniker incorrectly…… chuckdarwin
"You might even call it an obsession……." Says the guy whose moniker is ChucklesDarwin. Andrew asauber
VL/8 I agree that based on the shooter's manifesto, "great replacement" conspiracy theory being pushed by Tucker Carlson and others at Fox was a substantial factor in the shootings. Tucker Carlson is the price we pay for freedom of the press. Here, at UD, however, the agenda is "everything Darwin." Taking down Darwin and his scientific stature and re-casting him as Satan incarnate seems more important than any other topic. You might even call it an obsession....... chuckdarwin
"He is also very wealthy and powerful which are indicators, according to WJM (although not just him to be fair) that he is utterly corrupt and amoral." So is our current President. Andrew asauber
Our previous President is a White Supremacist. He is also very wealthy and powerful which are indicators, according to WJM (although not just him to be fair) that he is utterly corrupt and amoral. Seversky
Our current President is a White Supremacist. He's White and He's a Supremacist. Andrew asauber
white supremacists
They had a national meeting a few years ago and the number that showed up couldn’t fill a junior high gym. I believe it’s the left that’s pushing the elimination of the white race. Ironically mostly by whites. So are advocates of white elimination mentally ill? It would seem that way. By the way all this has nothing to do with race. The tragic thing is the mentally ill like this shooter has no clue and ends up a pawn. jerry
It seems to me that racism was alive and well long before Darwin came up with his theory. It would be interesting to see what percentage of white supremacists identify as Christians and how many identify as atheists or Darwinists. I don't think people here would like the answer. JHolo
Also, didn't his Dad buy one of the weapons he used for his sixteenth birthday? I'd say Dad is more culpable than Darwin. Fred Hickson
How come you guys aren't talking about how Fox News, especially Tucker Carlson, have been pushing the replacement "theory" that the shooter wrote about in his manifesto. This is certainly a more proximate stimulus for the racist ideology behind all this. Viola Lee
Chuck, I'd say a lack of respect for the life of others surely had a role. Does religious belief in mindless Evolution contribute to such an attitude? Andrew asauber
Asauber/5 At this point, I would venture to say none of us knows what really motivated the Buffalo shootings, least of all the shooter. Psychopathology does not lend itself to quick and dirty explanations or sound bites..... chuckdarwin
"believing in evolution doesn’t compel one to be a racist" No, but it seems like it enables/emboldens it. It did in this case. Andrew asauber
Buried in the EN article is this disclaimer:
Obviously, believing in evolution doesn’t compel one to be a racist, let alone predispose a person to be a killer. (emphasis added)
Obviously. How gracious of West for that concession........ chuckdarwin
As to:
Unfortunately, the Buffalo shooter’s evolutionary racism is not an outlier among recent mass killers. Arguments drawn from evolution have been prominent in the ideologies of many mass shooters in recent years, including Anders Breivik in 2011, a Norwegian mass murderer cited as a role model by the Buffalo shooter. Other shooters smitten by Darwinian evolution have included the Columbine High School shooters in 1999, Finnish shooter Pekka Eric Auvinen in 2007, the Holocaust Memorial Museum shooter in 2009, and the Gilroy Garlic Festival shooter in 2019.
But alas, and sadly, these 'mass shooters' are rank amateurs when compared to other 'mass shooters' who were also influenced by Darwin's ideas.
Historian Paul Johnson is Darwin's Latest Biographer -- and a Pretty Devastating One - David Klinghoffer - October 14, 2012 Excerpt: "Both Himmler, head of the SS and Goebbels, the propaganda chief," were students of Darwin, ,,, Hitler apparently carried the theory of natural selection "to its logical conclusion." "Leading Communists," moreover, "from Lenin to Trotsky to Stalin and Mao Tse-tung" considered evolution "essential to the self-respect of Communists. ... Darwin provided stiffening to the scaffold of laws and dialectic they erected around their seizure of power." Even Stalin,, "had Darwin's 'struggle' and 'survival of the fittest' in mind" when murdering entire ethnic groups, as did Pol Pot,,, ,,the "emotional stew" Darwin built up in Origin played a major part in the development of the 20th century's genocides.,,, No one who is remotely thoughtful blames Charles Darwin "for millions of deaths." But to say, as Johnson does, that Darwin's theory contributed to the growth of a view of the world that in turn had horrendously tragic consequences -- well, that's obviously true, it did. We have documented this extensively here at ENV, as have historians including our contributor Richard Weikart (Hitler's Ethic: The Nazi Pursuit of Evolutionary Progress, From Darwin to Hitler: Evolutionary Ethics, Eugenics, and Racism in Germany, Socialist Darwinism: Evolution in German Socialist Thought from Marx to Bernstein). There is, or should be, nothing controversial about this (fact of history). http://www.evolutionnews.org/2012/10/historian_paul_065281.html Chairman MAO: Genocide Master (Black Book of Communism) “…Many scholars and commentators have referenced my total of 174,000,000 for the democide (genocide and mass murder) of the last century. I’m now trying to get word out that I’ve had to make a major revision in my total due to two books. I’m now convinced that Stalin exceeded Hitler in monstrous evil, and Mao beat out Stalin….” http://wadias.in/site/arzan/blog/chairman-mao-genocide-master/ Hitler, Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Mao – quotes - Foundational Darwinian influence in their political ideologies - March 2022 https://uncommondescent.com/philosophy/david-berlinski-the-bad-boy-philosopher-who-doubts-darwinism-is-back/#comment-749756
John 10:10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.
This shooter is nothing. Another brick in the wall. Thousands of babies killed in the womb everyday? A statistic. But if you are unvaccinated, you are REALLY killing people. lol We are truly dealing with stupid. People whose minds have been enfeebled. Andrew asauber
He is a product of fake news. It’s obvious that all the anti ID people here are also products of fake news whether it be Evolution, politics, the virus or just about every other thing they hold. Did not mention the “r” or “C” word but still should be good for a couple hundred comments. Let others do that. They are in OP. jerry

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